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How to move in Phase 1? Can we go visit relatives? | Radio Murcia

In this process that we are going through this week to get out of the lack of confidence, and that will advance when entering Phase 1 or initial, doubts continue to arise that the citizens also transfer. We try to output them.

To what has been done since the exit to the street of children and adults was authorized and in phase zero since this Monday, the following permits are added:

Meetings of up to 10 people inside and outside the home, maintaining the safety distance of two meters and respecting the hygiene regulations regarding hand washing and “respiratory etiquette”.

Can you visit relatives?

– Family visits to the elderly will be allowed, without special risk or pathologies, within the same municipality of residence.

Already in phase 4 (from June 8), elderly people can be visited in nursing homes.

Can I travel by car with my family?

– Those who reside in the same home may travel in a private vehicle. The only limitation will be the number of seats to be occupied, depending on the vehicle.

Can you travel by taxi?

– As of Monday, April 11, a maximum of two people will be allowed to travel by taxi, both in the rear of the vehicle, as far apart as possible, and wearing a mask.

Can we go out for a drink on a terrace?

-Open terraces at 50% of their capacity. There will have to be a minimum distance of two meters between the tables and the client groups will have a maximum of ten people. In addition, the tables will have to be disinfected between one client and the other, and common cards and napkin holders cannot be used.

What shops open?

– Stores of less than 400 square meters without an appointment. The maximum capacity for shops will be 30%, it will be necessary to maintain a minimum safety distance of two meters and a schedule of preferential attention for the elderly must be established. The premises will have to be disinfected twice a day.

When will the shopping centers open?

– We will have to wait until May 25 (phase 3) to go to the shopping malls, which will open with a capacity of 30% and specific hours for the elderly.

And what about the wake?

– A limited number of family members will be allowed in public or private facilities: fifteen people outdoors or ten in closed spaces. The entourage for the burial or farewell for the cremation of the deceased is restricted to a maximum of fifteen people and, where appropriate, the minister of worship or a person assimilated from the respective confession may join the practice of parting funeral rites. of the deceased.

Can places of worship open?

– The places of worship will open, although only up to a third of their capacity will be allowed.

Will they be able to open the markets?

– Open-air markets on public roads, with conditions of distance between stalls and delimitation of the street market for the correct control of capacity by the security forces. Initial limitation to 25% of the usual positions and maximum influx of a third of the capacity.

Can we go to our second residence in Phase 1?

– Visits to the second residence within the province where we resisted will not be allowed until Phase 2. If that second residence is located in a province other than that of our residence, we will have to wait until the end of the de-escalation, at the end of month of June.

Travel outside the province is also prohibited until the end of the de-escalation (end of June, with phase 4).

From May 11 (phase 1), the trains will be at 50% frequencies and without catering.

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