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How to massage the breast for early detection of breast cancer and can tighten it naturally

COURT BON.COM – Remember all kinds of diseases cancer Included breast cancer will have a better chance of recovery if detected early.

One way to do early diagnosis breast cancer is to be done chest massage. It should be emphasized that chest massage This also turns out to be able to make your breasts become tight in a natural way.

Summarized from several sources, breast massage turns out to have several health benefits.


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To do chest massage in addition to detect breast cancerit can also stimulate blood flow and help facilitate good milk for nursing mothers.

The breast contains the mammary glands that produce milk, as well as a complex network of lobes, ducts, blood vessels, fatty and fibrous tissue, and lymphatic ducts.

Breast massage can help keep breasts healthy.

Reported by Intisari.grid.id, chest massage can help detect breast canceras a form of self-examination.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reports that 71% of cases breast cancer On women under the age of 50 found during breast self-examination.

The cancer may look like a hard lump or thickened tissue in the breast and can change the size or shape of the breast.

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Early diagnosis breast cancer can give better results and this offers more opportunities for earlier treatment cancer spread far away.

when breast cancer If localized, most people have a 99% chance of living at least 5 years after their initial diagnosis.

Also keep in mind that a breast lump does not necessarily become a breast lump breast cancer.

In most cases, the lump can be relatively benign, such as a cyst or infection.

A part from that, chest massage It can also help reduce the pain that usually occurs when milk builds up in the breasts.

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