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How to make your hair stronger? close to this food

Every time I brush my hair, every time I run my hand through it, it gets loose. As long as it escapes helplessly, each strand of hair is savage. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

People suffering from hair loss are afraid of getting a cold. Every time I comb my hair, every time I brush my hair with my hands, my heart skips a beat. Every single strand of hair that falls out helplessly is savage. Hair loss is usually caused by three reasons: △genetic factors △excessive secretion of male hormones androgens △skin aging after the age of 20. These are good foods to prevent hair loss recommended by American broadcaster Fox News.

-Foods high in protein, such as fish, eggs, and beans

Everyone knows that hair is made of protein. To maintain healthy hair, it is good to eat foods rich in protein. It is forbidden to eat meat every day just because you eat protein. Even if they are rich in protein, high-fat foods can increase testosterone levels and cause hair to fall out.

Recommended foods: Protein-rich but low-fat fish, chicken, calf liver, low-fat cheese, eggs, almonds, beans, yogurt, soy milk, and tofu are good.

– foods high in iron, such as raisins

Iron makes hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. Hemoglobin improves blood flow to the scalp and stimulates hair growth. If you want something sweet, dried fruits like raisins or cherry juice are good.

Suggested Foods: Eggs, dates, kale, dark blue vegetables and unrefined whole grain cereals are also good. Vitamin C, which aids in the absorption of iron, comes from fruits such as oranges, strawberries, and lemons.

-Foods rich in silicon dioxide, such as bean sprouts and cucumber skins

Silicon dioxide is not a component commonly associated with hair. However, if you want to grow your hair, silicon dioxide is a good ingredient. The human body needs silicon dioxide to help absorb vitamins and minerals.

Suggested foods: Silicon dioxide can be found in bean sprouts, cucumber skins, red and green peppers, and potatoes. These foods are more nutritious when eaten raw than when cooked.

– Zinc in seafood

Many people who experience hair loss are deficient in zinc. Zinc affects cell reproduction and hair growth for hormonal balance. In addition, zinc is used to manage hair follicles, so a lack of zinc weakens hair follicles.

Recommended Foods: Eat foods rich in zinc, such as red meat, chicken, mussels, shrimp, nuts and oysters.

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