WhatsApp has now added a new feature that allows users to make group video calls with up to a dozen people. Photo/Ist
JAKARTA – WhatsApp currently has added a new feature that allows users to perform group video call with dozens of people. Using this feature, users can start group calls with up to 15 people.
This figure is far more than before which could only accommodate seven to eight people. With this feature, of course, it will make it easier for users to communicate online with many people to discuss various things.
How to make group video calls can be done in several ways, starting from making group calls directly or making calls through individual chats. Here are some ways to make video calls on WhatsApp that can accommodate dozens of people.
1. Make Calls Via Group Chats
– First open the group you want to contact
– If this group has reached or less than 15 members, just click on “Video Call
– After that, select “Confirm”.
2. Make Calls Via the Calls Tab
– First, open the WhatsApp application
– Then, click on the “Calls” tab
2023-07-22 16:16:29
#Ways #WhatsApp #Group #Video #Calls #dozen #people