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How to Make a Cheap and Efficient Homemade Air Conditioner

Did you know you can make an air conditioner for as little as 50 cents? The room cools down in a minute! Let’s find out how to make this cheap and efficient air conditioner.

Homemade conditioner – imilanesi.nanopress.it

It takes very little for build an air conditioner capable of cooling the room quickly and efficiently. You need some tools that are easy to find and you can spend as little as 50 cents, a really negligible cost compared to the usefulness of this item. Let’s find out what you need and how to make an air conditioner in a short time.

What is needed to make the air conditioner

The materials you need to make this air conditioner can be found easily at home, in fact it is about recycling things you no longer need. You need the following items:

Conditioner – Imilanesi.Nanopress.it a plastic container with a lid; a roll of cardboard, the kind that remain once the toilet paper is finished; three pieces of tube; a cutter; a marker; a tube of glue; a flexible tube; tape insulator; a plastic bottle; a pair of scissors.

After you have a all items within easy reach to make the air conditioner, here is the procedure to make it, which to tell the truth is very simple.

How to proceed

Building the air conditioner cheap and in a short time it’s easyhere’s what you need to do:

With the roll of toilet paper, draw 3 circles on the plastic container;Cut out the circles with the cutter, so that they remain empty;Once you have obtained the three holes, insert the first piece of tube into one and seal the edges with glue;Run the same procedure with the other 2 pieces of pipe, taking care to seal the edges well.

At this point take the hose and rest the end in a point opposite to where the previous pipes were inserted. Trace the drawing of the diameter with the marker and with the cutter remove the internal plastic part. At the end of the hose, roll up some electrical tape and insert it into the hole you just made. Also seal these edges with glue to prevent air from escaping.

Take one plastic bottle empty, cut it in half and finish well with scissors the part with the cap. Make two opposite holes with an awl, then remove the cap and screw the mouthpiece to the hose, from the side that remains free. Seal the mouthpiece with electrical tape, wrapping it two turns to prevent it from falling apart.

With a plastic strip hook the bottle to the fan, inserting it in the two holes that you practiced and stopping it with the closure. Cut off the extra parts of the strip that are useless. Now the conditioner is ready to be put into operation, here is what you need to do.

Plastic bottle-Imilanesi.nanopress.t

How to operate the air conditioner

To make it work this cheap air conditioner made with your own hands you must first of all put the ice in the plastic container. Fill it more than half full and put the lid on, sealing it well. Now all you have to do is plug it in and turn on the fanyou will feel a chilly air blowing through the room.

That’s right, the ice in the plastic tray, with the force of the fan, will blow out the chilly air into the room, and you will feel cool like that produced by a real conditioner. The air emitted by the fan will be cooled with ice and you will be able to benefit from it in the places where you decide to install this appliance.

As you can see, making a device of this kind without having to buy it is very simple, just a little dexterity and ingenuity, it will save you a lot of money. Making it is easy, just get the necessary supplies and it’s done. The procedure is also simple and you don’t need to be a pro, so do it yourself.

2023-07-14 07:31:03
#Air #conditioner #cents #create #home #freezes #room #minute

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