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How to maintain immunity and not catch an infection – Russian newspaper

The doctor called six basic rules, if you adhere to them, you can permanently maintain the health of the digestive system and strengthen the immune system.

1. Kitchen garden on a plate: in the daily menu should be raw and stewed vegetables and herbs. Finished industrial products have a lot of calories, but few vitamins and minerals.

2. Also, in refined food there is almost no fiber, and it is necessary, as it is an excellent “food” for healthy microflora. The daily norm is 20 grams of fiber, then the intestines will work like clockwork. Therefore, it is better to cook yourself from whole foods. Sources of fiber – vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread, unprocessed cereals and legumes – beans, peas, lentils.

3. Drink more. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water during the day. This volume also includes green tea or herbal decoctions (but always without the addition of sugar). But coffee, milk, soups – this is food. They do not count.

4. Get enough sleep. It is important to observe the regime of the day for many reasons: if biorhythms do not go astray, the metabolism improves, and the nervous system works without failures. Well, the intestines also love to live a measured life. Minimum sleep for an adult is 6 hours, but 7-8 is better.

5. Avoid hard diets. Firstly, if it’s hard to deny yourself something, it’s easy to break. Secondly, if you “sit down” on a diet for a while – if you finish it and return to your usual unhealthy diet – then the kilograms will recover, and the gastrointestinal dysfunction, too. All mono-diets that have become so popular recently, fatty, is always stress, and therefore a blow to immunity.

6. Feed the microbiota. Usually, if a person is generally healthy, but quickly gets tired, bites his nose during the day and often catches a cold – this indicates a decrease in the body’s defenses. So, you need to “feed” a healthy microflora. A lot of fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, airan, katyk – are fermented with different bacteria, but they are all very useful). Fermented products are on trend. Sauerkraut, soaked apples, beets, carrots. Physical activity is also important (best of all – in the fresh air). Another risk factor is the uncontrolled use of antibiotics, which we sometimes treat even a common cold.


Alcohol from the virus does not save

Oksana Drapkina, Chief Freelance Therapist, Ministry of Health of Russia

– In no case with colds and flu, do not drink alcohol, especially not treated with it. The fact is that alcohol and its main component, acetaldehyde, has a very large negative effect on the body.

Alcohol negatively affects the heart and blood vessels, it causes tachycardia and increased blood pressure, and with flu and other infections, the cardiovascular system already works with increased stress. Therefore, taking even small doses of alcohol can provoke serious heart rhythm disturbances and lead to very sad consequences. At elevated body temperature, the heart rate rises, and so on, alcohol can provoke a pronounced violation of the heart rate and the occurrence of life-threatening arrhythmias.

Question edge

What vitamins are needed to maintain immunity?

vitamin C (lemons, oranges, sauerkraut, frozen blackcurrants, rose hips)

Vitamin A (carrots, pumpkin, red bell pepper, cod liver, milk, butter)

Vitamin E (sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, shrimp, fish)

Vitamin B12 (liver, all kinds of meat and poultry, eggs, fish and seafood)

Vitamin P (lemons and other citrus fruits – the white part of the peel, rose hips, black currants, lettuce, tomatoes, grapes).

Photo: Photoxpress

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