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How to Lower High Blood Sugar at Breakfast, No Medication Needed


JAKARTA – Method lower blood sugar at breakfast can be done without the need drug . Namely by eating four types of healthy foods that are good for sufferers diabetes .

Keep pace blood sugar low is important to avoid or manage type 2 diabetes . Type 2 diabetes can cause health problems which is life-threatening if blood sugar levels are not managed properly.

However, a few simple adjustments to your daily diet can help control sugar levels. Fortunately, this can start with your first meal or breakfast.

Here are four breakfast foods that you should choose to lower blood sugar.

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1. Cereal

Cereal and milk make for a quick and easy breakfast. However, diabetics should be careful that although many appear healthy, these foods can be packed with sugar. Even healthy cereals like granola can be full of added sugar.

It’s important to look at the front label when choosing your cereal. Some good alternatives can include whole-wheat crackers, or grated oats.

2. Oat

Oats have a low glycemic index and are a great choice for those with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes UK says lower glycemic index foods can manage blood glucose levels.

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