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how to lower blood sugar and cholesterol

Why does the body need sugar

The cells in our body need energy. One of its main and most effective sources is glucose, which enters the human body with food. Normally, the body maintains a constant level of glucose in the blood, regulating its intake and consumption..

This regulation is due to hormones. However, due to various pathologies or diseases, a violation of glucose metabolism may occur. As a result, her blood level rises.

What is the normal blood sugar level?

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Any deviations from the normal glucose concentration in the blood can lead to serious health consequences. Therefore, it is important to control this blood count every year, or more often, if recommended by a specialist. A blood glucose test is an important part of preventive examinations in both children and adults, as well as people at risk (pregnant women, people with obesity, a family history of type 2 diabetes and others).

Blood sugar levels are determined in a clinical laboratory. Normally, fasting blood glucose from a finger should be between 3.3 and 5.5 mmol / L. Higher values ​​(from 5.6 to 6.1 mmol / l) may indicate a condition that experts call prediabetes, or an early violation of carbohydrate metabolism. It precedes the development of type 2 diabetes. Among its consequences may be cardiovascular pathologies, atherosclerosis, heart failure.

Why Blood Sugar May Rise

If too much carbohydrate is consumed or glucose is not absorbed for some reason, its blood level rises.

There are many risk factors that determine possible violations of carbohydrate metabolism. In recent years, experts point to a special role in the development of early metabolic disorders of the so-called diseases of civilization. These include a sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obesity, especially the so-called visceral, in which fat is deposited in the waist. For example, carbohydrate metabolism disorders occur in more than half of obese patients. These disorders spread rapidly, for example, overweight is observed in 59.2%, and obesity – in 24.1% of Russians.

Additional risk factors for increasing blood glucose levels are age, genetic predisposition, excessive consumption of certain products, prolonged stress, insulin resistance (a violation in which the body’s cells become insulin immune and cannot absorb glucose).

What is the danger of elevated sugar levels and what is hyperinsulinemia

If, for some reason, carbohydrate metabolism is impaired, blood sugar levels can constantly increase. In this case, they talk about the state of hyperglycemia. It is dangerous in that it can cause damage to small blood vessels – capillaries. There is a risk of developing pathologies of various organs. First of all, kidneys, eyes, larger vessels and heart, nerve endings suffer.

The most important role in glucose metabolism is played by insulin – a hormone, without which the cells of the body cannot absorb it.. If, for some reason, insulin ceases to fulfill its function, the cells and tissues get less energy, and the blood glucose level rises. At the same time, more and more insulin is produced – this is how the body tries to cope with an increase in blood sugar. Hyperinsulinemia occurs – excessive pancreatic insulin production.

This condition leads to excessive synthesis of fats from carbohydrates, the development of metabolic syndrome and impaired carbohydrate and fat metabolism. A vicious circle arises: overweight and a sedentary lifestyle disrupt the metabolism, which leads to insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, which in turn further aggravate metabolic disorders.

How to prevent unpleasant consequences

A healthy lifestyle is one of the most important methods for lowering blood sugar and preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.

As a rule, experts recommend that patients who need to lower their glucose levels start with observing the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle.

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They include:

  • weight loss to normal and support for this weight throughout life;
  • adherence to a diet with the restriction of animal fats and simple carbohydrates, the predominance of fish, lean meat, whole grain cereals, vegetables and unsweetened fruits, low-fat dairy products in the diet;
  • daily physical activity, in the aggregate, at least 150 minutes per week;
  • compliance with sleep and rest, giving up bad habits (smoking and drinking).

In situations where lifestyle changes do not bring the desired result, you can resort to special medications. One of them is Dibikor®, developed by domestic scientists.

The drug helps to improve metabolic processes in the liver, heart and other organs. Dibicor® helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the level of performance during physical exertion necessary to maintain normal sugar .

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