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How to Lose Weight and Control Blood Sugar by Limiting Carbohydrates: Lessons from Kyle Richards

sugar. Diet is possible only by limiting carbohydrates such as flour foods.

Entered 2023.12.31 16:20 Views 673 Entered 2023.12.31 16:20 Modified 2023.12.31 16:31 Views 673

Eating foods high in white flour, sugar, and fat can actually cause hunger and lead to weight gain. Kyle Richards lost weight without eating bad carbohydrates. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Women in their 50s are at an age where they are most likely to gain weight. Even if you were thin when you were young, you start to gain weight as you go through menopause. Female hormones (estrogen) have a significant influence. Neglecting food control and exercise can lead to uncontrollable weight gain. How do American stars in their 50s control their weight?

Weight loss for a mother of four in her 50s… “I don’t eat bad carbohydrates”

Kyle Richards (54), star of Netflix’s reality show ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’, is a mother of four and is going through menopause. He recently revealed in a media interview that he had succeeded in losing weight through diet control and exercise. While on vacation in Europe last year, he enjoyed eating flour foods and drinking alcohol often.

When the trip came to an end, I discovered that I had changed significantly. Moreover, when her best friend died in an accident, she became depressed and did not take care of her body many days. He finally came to his senses and started controlling his weight, saying, “I don’t eat bad carbohydrates anymore. No sugar, no flour, no bread, no alcohol. And I exercise every day,” he said.

Why do you gain weight if you eat a lot of carbohydrates? Blood sugar rises and fat accumulates

Just like eating fat, if you eat a lot of carbohydrates, you will gain weight. According to data from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, increasing weight increases the risk of developing diabetes, and conversely, losing weight decreases the risk of diabetes. Carbohydrates are associated with increased blood sugar. Glycemic Index is a number that indicates how quickly blood sugar rises after eating carbohydrates.

Foods with a low glycemic index (multigrains, whole grains, whole wheat bread, vegetables, seaweed, etc.) cause blood sugar levels to rise slowly and low after a meal. However, foods with a high glycemic index (white bread, candy, cookies, etc.) cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly after a meal. In particular, simple sugars (a type of carbohydrate) such as sugar rapidly raise blood sugar levels, and in this process, fat accumulates in the body and causes weight gain. Elevated blood sugar levels and obesity are highly related.

Hyperlipidemia (dyslipidemia) and hypertriglyceridemia are common if you drink a lot of alcohol or eat a lot of carbohydrates. It often accompanies diabetes and obesity, especially abdominal obesity. Even if you control your diet, you can gain weight if you drink too much frequently. This is because alcohol contains sugar and is high in calories.

Adding dietary fiber and protein when eating carbohydrates helps with weight loss.

Reducing carbohydrate intake helps with weight loss and blood sugar control. Rather than rice and white bread, you should eat foods such as mixed grain rice, whole grains, and whole wheat bread, and consume enough vegetables (dietary fiber). It is better to eat fruits and vegetables as is rather than grinding them. The degree to which blood sugar rises varies depending on whether it is eaten with other foods or how it is cooked.

When eating carbohydrates, eating vegetables high in dietary fiber and protein is helpful as it lowers blood sugar levels. However, consuming too much meat protein can increase cholesterol and weight. Even if you eat a large amount of food with a low glycemic index, such as mixed grain rice, your blood sugar level will increase further. Even if it is healthy food, you should not overeat it.

Reporter Kim Yong

[email protected]

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2023-12-31 07:21:05

#secret #losing #weight #54yearold #female #actress #mother #is.. #dont #eat

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