During respiratory infection season, try to limit chronic inflammation. How?
We produce it ourselves through malnutrition, which is not just lack of food. But bad nutrition. How do we translate it into a daily menu? Calories without nutrients. I mean fast food of all kinds. We are still talking about malnutrition.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Carmen Chifiriuc, Faculty of Biology: “If the stress persists, whether it’s malnutrition, I say unhealthy diet, hyper-nutrition falls into the category of malnutrition. This state of stress also means stimulation of the immune response with chronic inflammation”.
How do we translate chronic inflammation? The tissues become more permeable to the environment. Inflammatory molecules appear in large quantities. So-called immune cells, called macrophages, are activated.
It actually increases the body’s sensitivity to any other aggression, whether we’re talking about infectious diseases or pollution from a big city. And at the same time, chronic inflammation causes the immune response to be abnormal. Here’s how:
Immune function occurs to us. And keep the balance. We hit our skin. Acute inflammation activates body cells. To restore the tissues.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Carmen Chifiriuc, Faculty of Biology: “Just as we repair or build a house – we need specialists, the team that had to have the right tools, to be properly fed, not to get dizzy. There is a construction site, after the completion of the construction, cleaning must be done”.
After the tissue is repaired – it must be perfect.
Prof. Dr. Carmen Chifiriuc, Faculty of Biology: “If the construction site produces much more imbalance, acute inflammation turns into chronic inflammation – it’s like a construction site that never ends. On chronic inflammation, an infection is worse, an exaggerated stress, a much more intense response than necessary. Allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory reactions are reactivated”.
Chronic diseases – atherosclerosis or diabetes – also produce chronic inflammation. But also obesity. Malnutrition contributes to these, that is, bad food and a lot of it.
Let’s take the example of the overweight. Immune cells, called macrophages, massively infiltrate the fatty tissue, located between the internal organs. Here, it generates chronic inflammation, which contributes to insulin resistance and diabetes. And this is a vicious circle, which maintains precisely the chronic inflammation.
Source: StirilePROTV
Publication date: 10-22-2023 11:12
2023-10-22 08:14:28
#malnutrition #nutritious #food #chronic #inflammation