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How to Know Who Has Seen my WhatsApp Status Who is viewing my WhatsApp status?

With the appearance of various social networks that incorporated the modality of “Stories” or “States” as a way to share content for a limited time. Such was the case of Snapchat and then Instagram, we are increasingly familiar with this novel way of keeping in touch and sharing our day to day. And it happens that many users do not know who sees your WhatsApp statuses.

Nowadays, it is certain that we come across these ephemeral publications on different social networks on a daily basis, and WhatsApp is not far behind having joined this trend. With the incorporation of the option of “States” in the famous instant messaging app, not only can we share music, images, videos, and text that will only last 24 hours, but we can also see those of our contacts and in this way keep us updated.

However, privacy may become a concern, can anyone see my statuses? How do you know? Do not worry! Know who sees your WhatsApp statuses It is really very simple, and in addition to teaching you to find out, we will show you how to configure who can see it, keep reading our article and you will know.

Who saw my WhatsApp status?

Fortunately, along with the incorporation of the “States” to WhatsApp, the ability to see exactly how many people they have visualized your state and who they have been. This information is undoubtedly useful to know if there are no intruders viewing your content, considering that if you have the statuses in public, anyone with your number can see it.

To know how these WhatsApp statuses are used and you can check who has seen your status, you just have to follow the steps below:

  • We will open the WhatsApp messaging app.
  • We locate the “States” section that can be viewed at the top of the screen next to “Chats” and click on it.
  • The “States” section will open where we can see the different States that have published our contacts, but we will specifically locate ourselves in the “My State” area that is shown as the first option.
  • By clicking on this option, we will be shown the different States that we have published in the last 24 hours, and we can go through each one by sliding our finger on the screen from right to left.
  • But looking at what is important, in each State that we have published we can see at the bottom a kind of “eye” sign with a number next to it, this represents the number of people who have seen the state.
  • By clicking on this area, a tab will open with a list of people, these are the contacts that have viewed our State. And ready! By following this step we should be able to see all those people who saw our State. However, there are still a couple of things to keep in mind.

Configure your WhatsApp privacy

WhatsApp, among its many updates, offers us different privacy options, and there are little-known tricks, but that are available to any user of the application, one of these is that it is possible to configure your privacy so that you can see the WhatsApp statuses of other people without them knowing. Information about the privacy of the states can be found on the official WhatsApp website

white male on whatsapp logo

This is something to keep in mind when wanting to know who sees your WhatsApp statuses, since it is still possible that there are people who see your statuses and not appear in the list due to this configuration. But you just have to make a few quick changes to the privacy of your WhatsApp account, for this you just have to go to Settings> Account> Privacy and go to the Read Confirmations option, to proceed to deactivate it.

Configure which contacts can see the statuses

The last thing we should clarify is that you also have the possibility of configure who you share your statuses with WhatsApp, whether you want them to be public, or you want to share them with specific people. To do this, we go back to the “States” section in the WhatsApp app, then we place the three dots that appear in the upper right corner of the screen, right next to the symbol with the magnifying glass.

We click and we will get two options, among which we will select State Privacy. We will have the opportunity to choose between sharing with our contacts, sharing with specific people or preventing someone specific from seeing our States. Just choose the option that suits your preference.

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