Practically speaking, you always want Home Assistant online (otherwise it won’t receive status updates from services that rely on callbacks such as Samsung SmartThings), and Android devices are constantly put on standby, back on, back on standby, etc. So it’s not always possible. practical (imo).
In addition, Android itself is not a full-fledged Linux distribution. So I expect you would also get into trouble on a technical level. Although sometimes there is some trickery to be done.
As for the SD card, I’m running into the same thing, I think I’ve already sent 2 to Sandisk. In both cases, we received a brand new one from the support department. I would still attach an SSD to the USB port. Even if your Pi only has USB 2.0, that’s a great choice.
If you really want an SD card, make sure it says A1 or preferably A2. These are SD cards that are optimized for random reads and writes. These are the workloads that software relies a lot on!
[Reactie gewijzigd door h3x4d3c1m4l op 7 februari 2024 22:53]
2024-02-07 20:33:37
#Home #Assistant #Core #2024.2.0