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How to help someone with a panic attack

How to help someone with a panic attack? Has anyone you know had a panic attack and didn’t know what to do? First, relax. A panic attack is nothing dangerous, although for those who experience it, it is certainly not pleasant.

The feeling is that of being in danger. Basically, an alarm goes off in our brain. The alarm makes us react as if faced with a danger of death. After the first episode, anticipatory anxiety may develop. In practice, one begins to be afraid of having a panic attack, which inevitably leads to avoiding situations that could be the trigger. In severe cases, it leads to imprisonment and despression.

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Some of the symptoms are hyperventilation, rapid heartbeat, tightness in the chest or a feeling of not being able to breathe, numbness and dizziness. These symptoms are not always visible on the outside. A person may appear completely normal and fine to us. But he could be having a panic attack at the same time.

So let’s see what to do.

What to do if you are having a panic attack

First, try to think clearly. Try to focus on the fact that what you are hearing does not come from real danger. Avoid getting even more frightened by thinking about the fear you are feeling. Take deep breaths. Sitting or lying down is a great solution.

Try to communicate. Seeking help is always a good thing. Focus on describing to someone what you are experiencing and what you think you need. Describing the sensations can help bring the mind back to a state of calm and rationality.

How to help someone with a panic attack

First, if you see someone feeling bad, try to understand what’s going on and don’t intervene blindly. Stay calm. Without yelling, ask questions and connect with the person. Beware, some people who experience panic attacks don’t want to be touched during an episode. Before throwing yourself into a hug, ask if the contact would help or not. The risk is that the person reacts in a panic and unintentionally throws a punch at you.

The most important thing to do is to listen. Kindly try to get the person to talk by asking them to describe what they feel and what might make them feel better.


Once the attack is over (the duration varies from person to person, but usually a few minutes), don’t underestimate the experience. It may have been an isolated case or not. The risk is that if underestimated, it can turn into a serious psychological disorder that will make your life very difficult.

Panic disorder is one of the most common psychological disorders in Italy. Already in 2013, the ALPA – Association Free from Panic and Anxiety estimated that over 10 million Italians had experienced a panic attack at least once in their life. Between 12 and 38% of these, see the disorder disappear. But for 20% it is a serious problem. After the trauma of the lockdown, the numbers have grown.

The stigma about psychological disorders doesn’t help. Often those who experience or see someone in the throes of a panic attack, underestimate the situation. In severe cases, it can come to drug treatment with drugs which act on serotonin, strictly under medical prescription. Drugs are also combined with a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy treatment.

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