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How to have a bright and beautiful face at all ages

The face is undoubtedly the part of the body most scrutinized by ourselves and by others. Reason why it is important to take yourself care of our skin.

It is essential to have a daily beauty routine that includes the use of specific products but above all of fundamental steps.

It is well known how important it is to wash your face with a cleanser suitable for our skin type, at least twice a day, ie in the morning and in the evening before going to bed.

The cleansing must then be followed by the application of a moisturizing product to be chosen according to the age and type of skin.

Here’s how to have a beautiful and bright face at all ages

Regardless of our daily beauty routine, here’s how to have a beautiful and radiant face at all ages!

The skin needs to be cleansed periodically. When the face is tired and the skin appears dull, almost dull, the cause is not always stress or lack of rest. In fact, a dull skin could be the consequence of poor oxygenation.

So let’s see how to fix it

The habit to follow to always have a beautiful and luminous skin is to periodically exfoliate it to free it from dead cells. By doing so, she will be better prepared to receive the products we are going to apply and therefore she will appear healthy and luminous.

In the summer, many give up the scrub with the fear that it will take away the tan. That’s not true at all! The scrub it must be done periodically, because by freeing the skin from dead cells, our tan will be more radiant and lasting.

To exfoliate the body in a natural way, just adopt this trick that you will read who, obviously also suitable for the face. For the care of the latter we can add a detox mask especially suitable for those who tend to have a little more greasy skin in the summer. Sometimes, in fact, the application of sun creams, usually full-bodied, can make even non-impure skin grease.

If the skin appears greasy, here is the homemade mask suitable for us

Just have 5 grapes at home, half a teaspoon of oat flour and baking soda. The tip of a teaspoon is enough for the latter.

Obviously, the skin of the grapes and the seeds are removed, and the pulp is mixed with the flour and bicarbonate, until a paste is obtained. It is applied to the face and left on for 15 minutes.

Once rinsed, our skin will appear purified, radiant and beautiful like never before.

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