Important news for companies in Southern Italy: here’s how to get the Bonus Sud.
Italy has never passed the so-called Southern question. Even with a thousand and more potentialities, the South continues to remain economically backward compared to other parts of our country. For this reason, a bonus was created dedicated precisely to the South. Here’s everything you need to know.
We have heard it many times: Italy travels at double speed . If, on the one hand, the North, despite the atavistic difficulties of our country, in fact manages to develop wealth and, therefore, better living conditions, on the other hand, the South is floundering. It is no coincidence that the greatest concentration, in recent years, of recipients of the Citizenship Income has been recorded above all in the southern areas of Italy.
This, obviously, due to very long-standing problems in our country. Above all, evidently, an asphyxiating presence of organized crime that chokes the economy and businesses of the South. The center-right government, chaired by Giorgia Meloni, seemed to have abandoned the policy of bonuses and incentives that we had known especially in the toughest years of the Covid-19 pandemic. But the difficult economic situation of the country (and, in particular, of the South) now requires an intervention.
The South Bonus: everything you need to know
Just at the beginning of the month of June, the Revenue Agency communicated the instructions concerning the Noon Bonus. The application can be submitted starting from 8 June through a model that consists of the novelties for this 2023. But let’s go and see what these novelties are.

As is well known, the Mezzogiorno Bonus is reserved for businesses. In particular to those who acquire machinery, plants, equipment for production facilities. This acquisition can also be done through finance leasing. Obviously, the measure is intended only for some territories and some regions: Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, in the assisted areas of the Abruzzo region, in the ZES and in the ZLS.
The reference period of the investments runs from 1 January 2023, but in any case respecting the final date of 31 December 2023. The deadline for submitting the model is 31 December 2024. According to what was communicated by the Revenue Agency, the new model can be transmitted by the beneficiary company or by one of its appointed intermediaries. You will have to use the the software “CIM23”, which is available on the website of theRevenue Agency. For previous years, the old model will apply: for investments made between 2016 and 2022, the model must be transmitted by the end of the year.
2023-06-07 17:45:25
#Sud #Bonus #June #Heres