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how to get the annual summary step by step

(CNN Spanish) — The end of the year is accompanied by endless summaries that users of the different platforms share on their social networks, showing audience statistics or the hours spent watching live broadcasts. Want to X-ray your Twitch activity? Here we tell you, step by step, how to know yours recap of the platform stream.

As Spotify does every year with its SpotifyWrapped campaign, Twitch also offers its users the opportunity to find out how their activity has been during the year within the increasingly popular platform for live broadcasting.

If you’re a content creator, #TwitchRecap allows you to see the total number of streams you’ve had during the year and the most viewed, the number of hours you’ve been online, how many subscribers you have and which emojis are most used in your live chat.

If you are a subscriber, you can see the channels you have watched the most, how many hours and days of viewing you have accumulated during the year, your favorite categories or the number of messages you have sent.

Furthermore, this year, the platform has added a new summary, that of the community, in which it is possible to find out which games have been the most popular and “the most spammed emotes in the world”. Emotes are the emoticons of that platform.

How to get your #TwitchRecap?

This 2022 it is easier to know your annual Twitch summary because, unlike other years, you can do it directly from the platform and you will not have to wait for an email with the compilation of your statistics.

You just have to log into the platform and check your control panel or click on the purple #TwitchRecap banner. you can also give Click here to go directly to your annual summary (you will need to log in if you haven’t already).

If you want to share your numbers on Twitch with the world, at the end of the summary you will have the possibility to download the graphic with the compilation of your activity and publish it on your social networks accompanied by the hashtag #TwitchRecap or #ResumenTwitch .

Please note that the summary will only be available for a limited time and you have until mid-January 2023 to download it.

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