Many women are aware of their vaginal odor. It even makes some people feel insecure, especially if they smell a strong odor after their period. Don’t worry, that means the following.
Strong vaginal odor after menstruation
A vagina just smells a bit. And no, it’s not supposed to smell like your favorite detergent. If you take good care of your vagina, but still smell a strong vaginal odor after your period – sour for example, or metallic – this could indicate the following.
Residual blood
After your period is over, you’re probably hoping that strong vaginal odor will subside. The fact that this does not happen (immediately) may be due to, among other things, residual blood. Especially if you smell a metallic odor and have brown discharge. This indicates the iron in your menstrual blood. Your body cleans it up, as it were, by excreting the remaining (old) blood and tissue.
Another possible option is that bacteria multiply after your period. Your vagina needs a low (also called acidic) pH to stay healthy. Menstrual blood has a high (basic) pH, which causes some bacteria to multiply. This temporarily creates a strong odor and/or discharge.
This can also occur just before your period. This has to do with hormonal changes and more moisture in your vagina.
How you use tampons also affects the smell of your vagina. Ideally, change tampons every four hours to prevent blood and discharge from accumulating on the tampon and causing bacteria to multiply. This then leads to an unpleasant odor. In addition, it is unhealthy for the vagina to leave a tampon in for too long. It only increases the risk of infections. Therefore, use one tampon for a maximum of 8 hours.
Infections can also lead to discharge with a strong odor. Do you smell a strong fishy odor, or a sour/yeasty odor? And do you experience itching, burning and pain (during sex)? Then it is wise to go to the doctor. You may have a bacterial or fungal infection.
What to do
Do you notice a stronger vaginal odor, but do you not experience any symptoms associated with an infection? Then give your body some time to get the flora back in order. Do not use (aggressive) products to wash your vagina and vulva. Read here how you can wash your vagina safely without disrupting the pH value.
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Bron: Well and good
Foto: Getty Images
2023-10-18 15:40:57
#Strong #vagina #odor #period #means