Busy. Busy. Busy.
We know, amigo. You as a real career tiger are on 24/7. Everything for the business, hey.
Get rid of the ramparts
Nice for your bank account, of course, but less for you night’s sleep. And you not only notice that when you go home tired again, you also see it again. The bags under your eyes now almost have their own bags again. In fact, you can almost sleep on those pillows under your eyes. We’re going to change that amigo. We tell you exactly how those bags under your eyes arise and how you can get rid of them.
That’s how they arise
The answer seems very simple: you just don’t sleep enough. However, it is a bit more complicated than that. Although sleep is indeed a cause of bags under your eyes, it is not the main cause. If you really suffer from bags under your eyes, then you are allowed a little pissed be on that family of yours. “For all types of bags under the eyes, heredity and aging are the main culprits”, says Selma Mekic, research physician at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam.
Is there anything to do about the ramparts?
We already hear you thinking: “there is nothing that can be done about it” but that’s not quite right. While it’s true that almost sixty percent of your droopy eyelids are due to your genes, there are a number of other factors. Aging also sounds like something you can’t change, but if you smoke a cigarette once in a while, then there is hope for you. Smoking causes accelerated aging and also damages the blood vessels. This way you get wrinkles, dry skin and moreover, you guessed it: wallen.
The sun is friend and foe
The next factor to take into account is the sun. It may then provide a nice tan on your head, so that you also suffer less from bags under the eyes, but in the long run does the sun really not make for better skin. On the contrary: the UV radiation causes a thinner and, moreover, weaker skin, which makes it droop earlier. And those eyelids are unfortunately no exception to the rule for you.
Can the bags still be repaired?
Those old age bags that you already have, there is little to do about it within a night. Well, unfortunately we are not magicians. However, sufficient night’s sleep does make things worse and it really does restore a few things in the long term. During your night’s sleep, your skin is busy with repair work. Waste is cleared away and your skin tries to distribute the moisture correctly again. So, while your sleep is not the biggest cause of bags under your eyes, it does make for the best recovery.
In addition, too little sleep also ensures that your skin looks paler than it actually is. And that in turn ensures that those black circles under your eyes are more visible. In addition, the blood vessels under your eyes are also more visible when you are tired. This is due to the fact that your body produces more cortisol to compensate for the fatigue. It may make you more alert, but it also causes enlarged blood vessels.
That’s how you get on top of it
To ensure that you do not look like a tired newspaper 24/7, it is therefore first of all important that you leave out the cigarettes. In addition, when the sun is shining, you should only go out with sunglasses and sunscreen. Last but not least: always get enough sleep. And if you already did all this? Then we recommend that you visit your doctor for an allergy test. For example, if you have hay fever, the fluid accumulation around the eyes is also a lot worse.
2023-06-02 11:49:43
#create #bags #eyes #rid