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How to get compensation for destroyed housing in Zaporozhye

Since the beginning of the war, the occupying troops in the Zaporozhye region destroyed or partially damaged by shelling about 1.5 thousand residential buildings. Owners of houses or apartments can apply for compensation for destroyed housing. However, this procedure has its own nuances.

We will tell you what algorithm to follow for those whose housing was destroyed due to hostilities, how to apply for compensation. And why can’t everyone get paid?

The draft has already passed the first reading in the Verkhovna Rada of law №7198 dated March 24, 2022 “On compensation for damage and destruction of certain categories of real estate objects as a result of hostilities, terrorist acts, sabotage caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation.” What he suggests will be explained further.

Who can get compensation

Citizens of Ukraine who are owners of damaged or destroyed residential buildings.

This category includes individuals who own real estate, members of housing cooperatives and their heirs. After all, even those apartments that are under construction are part of an apartment building with communications.

The initiators of the bill determined priority categories of citizens, who may qualify for compensation. These include:

  • large families;
  • persons with disabilities of groups I and II;
  • combatants;
  • persons with disabilities as a result of the war.

One of the initiators of the bill, Elena Shulyak, said that if the owner died, his heirs could receive compensation.

If the deceased owner made a will, then the persons specified in the will have the right to inherit. If there is no will, inheritance occurs according to the law. Yes, the heirs get the right to inherit one by one, – said Shulyak.

For what destroyed housing can I get compensation

  • Apartments, other residential premises in the building, private residential buildings, garden and country houses;
  • Houses under construction, in which supporting and external enclosing structures have been built;
  • Their components accepted for operation as independent objects;
  • Damaged common property of an apartment building.

In what form can compensation be (there are only three of them)

  1. Financial compensation. It will be provided for damaged or destroyed residential buildings or apartments in apartment buildings. The amount of payment will be taken into account depending on the degree of damage to real estate.
  2. Construction financing new house or apartmentequivalent in area, including the residential one that was destroyed.
    But! Boundary area volume such compensation cannot be more than 150 square meters per apartment or house.
    Important, that such housing will be built within the same microdistrict or neighboring districts where the former one was destroyed.
  3. Repair funding and restoration of damaged joint property in an apartment building. The amount of the payment will be taken into account depending on the degree of damage to real estate.

How do Cossacks apply for compensation and what is needed for this:

The mayor’s office of Zaporozhye says that first of all, what state bodies will require when submitting an application – package of documents by the applicant on housing that was destroyed. If they are lost, you need to restore them or make duplicates.

It is necessary to fix the degree of destruction:

  • call representatives of the State Emergency Service (in the cases provided), the district administration or the military administration to drawing up an act of the degree of destruction;
  • if this is not possible, draw up the act yourself. This must be done in any form with the involvement of eyewitnesses (for example, neighbors);
  • regardless of who draws up the act of damage, it is necessary to fix them yourself using photo or video recording. Be sure to record the date and time of shooting on the video, report in detail about all damage to property;
  • if possible, it is necessary to form a selection of reports on damage to property in the media, if any;

The bill provides that the receipt of compensation will take place in several stages:

  • filing an application for compensation;
  • consideration of the application by the Commission for Consideration of Issues on Providing Compensation, created by the executive body of the local council as a temporary collegial body. Such review will take place within 30 days from the date of submission of the application;
  • provision by the executive body of the board for the provision of compensation.

Where to apply in Zaporozhye to submit documents on destroyed property

You can do this by contacting any branch of the Center for Scientific Research or on your own using the “Action” application.

List of TSNAPs working in Zaporozhye:

  • Voznesenovsky (Central) TsNAP (Central Boulevard, 27) – 280-75-05;
  • Dnipro District (Kiyashko St., 22) – 280-75-21;
  • Zavodskoy district (56 Liza Chaikina St.) – 280-75-19;
  • Kommunarsky District (Chumachenko St., 32) – 280-75-15;
  • Khortitsky district (Sveta st., 2 / Inzhenera Preobrazhensky avenue, 1) – 280-75-23;
  • Shevchenkovsky district (Prospekt Motorostroiteley, 34) – 280-75-17.

A single mobile number is 067-280-75-05.

It is not yet possible to name the exact terms of compensation for the damage caused. It all depends on how quickly the relevant Law will come into force and how long it will take to consider citizens’ applications for compensation.

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