Shops are located in a large number of stations SubwaySince the marketing office of the Egyptian Society for the Management and Operation of the Metro was activated in 2014, its mission is to enhance all the places and sites suitable for commercial activities (advertising and shops), with the available spaces in subway stations..
Since that date, the Marketing Department has succeeded in increasing the income of the metropolitan company from commercial activities, through the presence of commercial establishments with small surfaces (1 m2 – 1.5 m2 – 2 m2), and the empty spaces are represented in the stations of the subway of the three lines.
The usufruct right of a shop in the underground stations of the three lines is contracted through public auctions, where a series of premises and shops are offered in public auction, to be communicated in (Official Gazette or through the company’s website), and is purchased the brochure of the conditions and specifications of the offer At the shopping and shopping department of the Hammamet Al-Qobba building.
Contracts can be made for short periods until an auction is announced and it is available to companies should they wish to test their business in Metro stations for periods ranging from (1 day – 6 months)..
The documents required for this contract are as follows:
• Request a contract specifying the workstations – area – duration – and the requested activity.
• Copy of the national identity card.
• A copy of the commercial register and a valid tax card.