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How to generate leads with Facebook?

Thanks to very precise targeting and multiple ad personalization possibilities, Facebook ads are a great way to generate leads. Here are some tips to get you started!

generate leads with facebook

When you own a website, one of the objectives is to generate traffic on it in order to obtain qualified leads. But, it is not always easy. However, there are several techniques that can help you. to generate leads, engage them and then convert them into customers. Facebook, which remains one of the best social networks, is an excellent lever for acquiring leads. To properly launch your campagne Facebook for Business and optimize the conversion rate of your advertising, read this article carefully.

What is a lead?

A lead is an individual who has shown a certain interest in your activity and who in return has left you his contact information. Most of the time, we get leads by asking the person their first and last name, their phone number or their email address. However, it should be noted that it is easier to generate leads by asking for less information.

lead marketing definitionlead marketing definition

But sometimes asking for less information can also affect the quality of your leads. To generate leads, you need necessarily have a lead magnet. A lead magnet is an offer that you give free of charge in return for the personal data of your visitors. It exists in different forms. But very often it depends on your type of business, the products or services you offer and most of all should be tailored to the needs of your perfect customer. As an example of magnet leads we can quote:

  • A promo code;
  • A free trial or demo;
  • An ebook, checklist or guide that you promote through your landing page or landing page;
  • A brochure ;
  • Etc.

These different strategies have one thing in common. The lead will be able to enter his first and last name as well as his e-mail address or telephone number.

How to generate leads with Facebook?

Facebook is a great lead acquisition tool. It helps generate leads in many areas rather BtoC oriented. Insurance, finance, heat pump, training… As some professionals say, Facebook is a real lead machine. To help you get qualified leads on this social network, here’s how.

1. Define your buyers personas

buyers facebook peoplebuyers facebook people

To reach your target, you must first create your personas. Personas represent the portrait of your perfect clients. It is by properly mastering your target audience, their purchasing behavior and their interests that you will be able to offer the offers and content you need. It will also allow you to give a good direction to the messages you want to convey.

2. Specify your marketing objective

Two objectives are offered to you to generate leads on Facebook. These include, among others:

  • Generate leads : this objective will allow you to collect, thanks to an integrated form, information on the people interested in your offer. As soon as a user clicks on your Facebook ad, they will be taken to a form already filled in with their first and last name, as well as their e-mail address. Obviously, this is done according to the information you want.
  • Convert Internet users into leads : As for this objective, it will be a question of getting the people you have targeted to take action on your website. To do this, you must create a landing page with a registration, purchase or download form.

SEE ALSO: Webmarketing and e-commerce: the 6 most effective acquisition levers

3. Create your visuals, your landing and your message with care

facebook lead adsfacebook lead ads

Your visuals must be captivating with a clear and precise message, pushing Internet users to click. On your images, limit the text to the maximum so as not to be limited in your distribution. For your landing page or landing page, be sure to define it well. This could be a page for downloading resources, a product page, or a page reserved for registering for a webinar or event.

It should only contain useful information, a message arousing interest and a form for recovery personal data of a contact. To maximize the conversion rate, you can even use the lead ads Facebook, lead ads directly integrated into Facebook.

Also, be sure to install a Pixel de tracking to track conversions and collect data from your visitors.

4. Define your targeting and launch your campaign!

Targeting is the great strength of Facebook for Business and you shouldn’t neglect this step. Multiple targeting options are available depending on your buyers personas and your goals:

  • Geolocated targeting : target a specific country, region or city.
  • Demographic targeting : by sex and age group.
  • Targeting by interests : you can target general interests or even people who follow certain pages or are members of specific groups on Facebook. For example, you can choose to show your ads to people who follow your competitors’ pages!
  • Targeting by retargeting : if you have correctly installed the tracking pixel on your landing page (or even better on your entire website), you can show your ads to people who have already come without converting. A great way to maximize your conversion rate by “catching up” with people who are already interested in what you have to offer.

The Growth Hacking approach applied to Facebook!

The big advantage is the flexibility and test and learn. Put yourself in a perspective of growth hacking. Test different approaches with little budget, analyze what works best and then invest in what performs best.

Remember that any investment that earns you more than it costs you is worth expanding. If you set up the right indicators for calculate the ROI of your Facebook ads, you will have the keys to growth. With this methodology and this mindset, you can quickly scale your business and reach new heights with Facebook !

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