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How to fix Snapchat notifications not working

We spend too much time on social networks, communicate with our friends, view different stories and moments of our loved ones, etc. The point is, for it to really work, we need notifications. Which have the task of informing us of different things that we can see on the social network. the problem is when they don’t arrive, that’s why we’ll see how to fix Snapchat notifications not working.

Snapchat notifications not working

Enable notifications from the app

The first thing we will need to do is check if notifications are enabled in the application. The steps we are going to see were performed by Android. However, they are the same steps for iPhone.

We open the application and click on our profile picture on the top left. Then we will have to press on the gear icon to access the Settings.

Enable notifications.

Click on Notifications and we will need to make sure that the Enable notifications option is activated. Here we can also customize all the notifications we want to receive. We can also configure if we want the phone to ring, vibrate or activate the screen.

Enable background app data

On iPhone devices

Enable background app data.

We will have to go to Settings> General> Background application update.

Next, we’ll scroll down and search for Snapchat. We will need to make sure that the option next to the application name is enabled and that it would be.

An Android


Let’s go to Settings> Applications> Application manager> Snapchat. Again, depending on the version of Android and the manufacturer of the phone, the options or where they are located may vary slightly.

Now we’ll need to go to Data usage and make sure background data is turned on. Also, we will have to press on the Battery option. We will then activate Allow background tasks and click Allow in the pop-up window.

Phone notification settings

From iPhone

We go to Settings, then Notifications and click on the Snapchat app.

Settings and Notifications

Here we will have to make sure that the Allow notifications option is activated. In addition to this, we will have to enable the Sounds and Badges buttons to be able to receive updates in real time.

An Android

Snapchat notifications not working, how to fix it?

Let’s open the Settings app and go to the Notifications section. We will search for Snapchat and click on it. Something we have to take into consideration is that depending on the manufacturer, model and version of Android, the options may vary slightly.

Continuing with the guide, we will have to make sure that the Allow notifications option is enabled. Also, we will need to activate all other available configurations for everything to work properly.

clear Snapchat cache

If we were given a dollar every time clearing the cache solves problems in thousands of applications, we would be rich. We will see how to clear Snapchat cache, something simple that can put an end to this annoying problem.

Clear your cache if Snapchat notifications aren't working

We open the application and click on our profile picture. Then we will have to access the configuration, click on the gear icon.

We scroll down in the configuration part and click on Clear cache; Click Continue in the pop-up window and that’s it. The most recommended would be that we do this every a certain number of days, depending on our activity with the app.

Sign out and sign in again to get Snapchat notifications working again

On many occasions, the simple act of logging out can help us solve the annoying notification problem. So we will have to check that this is not what is generating it. To do this, we’ll simply log out and log back in as we normally would.

Update the Snapchat app if notifications don’t work

We must always keep our applications up to date, not only for security reasons, but also for their operation. Although the updates bring new features, many of them fix bugs or incompatibilities with certain devices. This can be a determining factor in its proper functioning.

To check if we have a new version available, we will have to enter the store of our mobile device, Play Store in the case of Android and App Store in the case of iPhone. Then we will search Snapchat from the search engine and open the app details.

If we see a button that says Update, it is because we are using an outdated version of the social network. However, if we don’t see any buttons, there is no new version of the app.

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