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How to find the best sales online or in store

With the beginning of the New Year comes one of the favorite times for the consumer: the sales. While many have become accustomed to buying with just one click and many others prefer to consume online due to the evolution of the pandemic, other users are habitual of physical stores and choose them to find the largest discounts.

However, where are the best sales hidden? Are the e-commerce the battle of low prices or offers are they still off the grid?

A user makes their purchases online taking advantage of the sales / PEXELS

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A showcase that announces the sales / EUROPA PRESS

Online and offline sales

“Right now, the best sales are on the internet. In fact, many offers that are in the e-commerce they do not exist in physical stores, “he says. Juan Merodio. The founder of Tekdi Institute considers that this year most of the gifts de Reyes are going to be bought online, where, he assures, the sales are “brutal”, that is, 40% or 50%.

Nevertheless, Raúl García Serapio, director of Neuromobile, is more in favor of purchases in physical stores. “Although it is not something neither black nor white, the sales as such are physical,” he says. In addition, it indicates that the consumer “is in continuous reduction” and that we have become “coupon holders and Buscachollos”.

A user with her credit card and bags from her sale purchases / PIXABAY
A user with her credit card and bags from her sale purchases / PIXABAY

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A young woman receives a package on sale / PACKLINK

Are all offers real?

Other experts invite you to doubt the veracity of some offers. “The first problem is the reality of the sales: are they really, or are they a lie?” Javier Echaleku, founder of Sales Funnel Canvas, in relation to those products that the brands apparently discount but that are later discovered to have the same price.

From his point of view, this problem occurs both in online and offline stores, but it is more difficult to detect in the latter. “On the internet you have tools like archive.org, which allow you to see previous versions of a page and learn these tricks, “he suggests.

A girl looks at clothes in a physical store / PEXELS
A girl looks at clothes in a physical store / PEXELS

More than 80% of sales in Spain are in physical stores

Although Echaleku highlights the possibility of finding products at the best price online, it also refers to the advantages of physical stores. “In local commerce you find closeness and there is the component of proximity if you have a problem: in an e-commerce you can compare, but if there is an incident, you solve it quickly in the physical store”, he points out.

García Serapio recalls that “more than 80% of sales in Spain are in physical stores”, where the experience Its determinant. The difference, he points out, is how you use both channels. “When a user goes to a store, he goes shopping; in online commerce you go directly to buy something, having a clear idea of ​​what you want ”, he says. Although he recommends buying online if it is cheaper than the face-to-face store, he recognizes that “an offline discount is safer.”

A shopping center full of people during sales / PEXELS
A shopping center full of people during the sales season / PIXABAY

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Super discounts and scams

Merodio admits that “the physical point of sale is the place where the sale is real, while on the internet you never know if the price in 10 minutes is the same or different from half an hour ago.” In this sense, Echaleku explains why the greatest discounts are found in these establishments. “A physical store with its own warehouse has to pay the storage of those products, and you have no choice but to make good discounts to get them out of the way. But in the network it is common for the products to be stored by a supplier, who is asked when the user buys them, so it is not interesting to make such a reduction ”, he explains.

Despite this, the marketing and sales specialist recommends that the consumer is not guided so much by prices. If you do, “it is very likely that you will suffer more deception or fraud”, which, in addition, is easier on the web. “You have to be very careful with super discounts and with the brands that offer them, if they don’t give a warranty real ”, he concludes.

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