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How to Enable WhatsApp Notifications on Apple Watch

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

WhatsApp is an instant messaging application that can be connected to various platform including smartwatch as Apple Watch.

Connecting WhatsApp to your Apple Watch can make it easier for you to communicate. Apple Watch will notify you when a message or call comes into your WhatsApp.

As a result, you don’t need to open or look at your phone to find messages that come into WhatsApp. There is also an option to reply to a simple message to make it easier for you.

To get this feature, you must enable WhatsApp notifications on Apple Watch. Make sure you have connected the Apple Watch access to the iPhone first with the help of the built-in application, namely Watch.

After that, you can turn on WhatsApp notifications on your Apple Watch.

Here’s how to get WhatsApp notifications on Apple Watch:

WhatsApp notifications on Apple Watch can be done by going through the iPhone settings. (Photo: CNN Indonesia/Susetyo Dwi Prihadi)-

1. Turn on WhatsApp notifications on iPhone

  • Open settings (settings)
  • Select notification (notification)
  • Scroll down and select the WhatsApp app
  • Allow notifications (allow notification) slide until it’s green

2. Then turn on WhatsApp notifications on Apple Watch

  • Open the Apple Watch app on iPhone
  • Select notification (notification)
  • Scroll down and select the WhatsApp app
  • Allow notifications (allow notification) slide until it’s green

3. WhatsApp notifications on Apple Watch have been activated.

After following the WhatsApp notification method on Apple Watch, automatically all WhatsApp notifications will appear to you smartwatch that you use.

How to Fix Notifications Not Appearing

Ilustrasi Apple WatchIf WhatsApp notifications don’t appear on your Apple Watch, you can set them back once on your Apple Watch or iPhone. (Photo: fancycrave1/Pixabay)-

One thing or another can keep WhatsApp notifications from showing up on Apple Watch. Notifications that do not appear occur due to several factors, such as activation permissions that are still missing off or a disconnected device from iPhone to Apple Watch.

In addition, the condition of the iPhone in airplane mode settings (airplane mode) or do not be disturbed (do not disturb), can also block access to notifications so they don’t appear on smartwatch.

To keep WhatsApp notifications showing on your Apple Watch, you can do a reset. Here are the steps:

  1. Slide Control Center (Control Center) pada Apple Watch.
  2. Check the airplane mode icon, if it is red it means the connection to the iPhone is lost which is causing notifications not to appear.
  3. Also check the do not disturb icon (half-moon or semi-circular moon), when it’s on, tap to turn it off immediately That way the notification can reappear.

Besides WhatsApp, other applications such as Instagram, music, reminders, maps can also be connected to the Apple Watch.

Those are some ways to get WhatsApp notifications on Apple Watch and tips for dealing with notifications when it doesn’t appear that you can try.

(avd / ptj)

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