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How to Enable Automatic Delete WhatsApp Messages in 24 Hours

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – WhatsApp has improved the disappearing message feature. Now users of this popular messaging app can delete messages automatically within 24 hours on all chats.

Disappearing message was launched in the middle of this year. At that time the message will disappear automatically after seven days. But this feature must be activated manually in each chat.

In the latest enhancements, there is an option to auto delete messages within 24 hours and 90 days. When this feature is activated, messages will be deleted automatically on all new chats that the user makes.

The impact of activating the disappearing message feature is that the conversation will be more private. Besides that, it can make storage space more spacious because WhatsApp stores user chats.

Photo: WhatsApp Disappearing message feature update or auto delete message (Doc. WhatsApp)-

WhatsApp says users now have the option to turn on the temporary messaging feature by default for all new chats. When turned on, all messages in new individual chats that you or other users send will be lost after the selected duration.

“In addition, we have also added a new option that allows you to turn on the feature when creating a group chat. This new feature is optional and will not modify or delete your existing messages,” WhatsApp wrote in its official statement, Tuesday (21 /12/2021).

“If you turn on the temporary messaging feature by default, we’ll display a message in your chat telling you that this is the default setting you’ve chosen.”

“This message informs your contacts that this is your preferred way of communicating with everyone on WhatsApp. Of course, if you want certain conversations to remain permanently available, you can easily revert to their original settings.”

To activate it, WhatsApp users on Android and iPhone just tap the three dots in the top right, then select Setting (settings), tap Account (account) > Privacy (Privacy) > Default Message Timer. Choose one of the 24 hour, 7 day, and 90 day options.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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