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How to Eliminate Coppel Debt from Credit Bureau: Deadlines and Process Explained

Mediotiempo Editorial

CDMX / 11.01.2024 14:07:00

One of the big concerns for many people when they acquire a debit or credit card is to be up to date with their payments so as not to be in the credit bureau; However, in case you have a debt and it was specifically in Coppel, we will tell you how long it takes to eliminate it.

What is the credit bureau?

According to the BBVA website, the credit bureau “is a private entity that generates reports on the credit history of people or companies, which includes information related to the payment behavior of mortgage or automobile loans, credit accounts, credit cards or basic services such as electricity or water.”

For this reason, a debt will put you in the bureau even though you have already finished paying it.

How long can you last with Coppel in the credit bureau?

According to the company’s own information and with Telediario, these are the deadlines (if you have already settled what you owed) to be removed from the credit bureau.

  • Debts less than or equal to 24 UDIS (154 pesos) are eliminated after 1 year
  • Debts greater than 25 or up to 500 UDIS (3,133 pesos) are erased after two years
  • Debts greater than 500 or 1,000 UDIS (6,226 pesos) are eliminated after four years
  • Debts greater than 4,000 UDIS (2 million pesos) are erased after six years (in the event that there is no judicial process).

What is Coppel?

Coppen is a private company of Mexican origin, which was founded in 1941 and currently has a host of products from banks, as well as money lending, sales of electronic devices and many other things through: Tiendas Coppel, BanCoppel and Afore Coppel.

If you have a debt that you cannot pay, you can go to one of the branches, or call 800 220 7735 to negotiate the settlement method.

2024-01-11 21:40:20
#Coppel #Find #long #credit #bureau

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