How to eat walnuts to lower the glycemic index? Grandmother always recommends eating 2 – 3 dried walnuts at the end of a meal. Nuts, in fact, slow down the rate at which carbohydrates are transformed into sugars. The confirmation comes from a study conducted at the Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Center of St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. Researchers observed improvements in glycated hemoblobin and fasting glucose in those who eat walnuts and pistachios. The fiber that nuts also help manage and improve blood sugar levels. In this way they reduce the risk of some diabetes complications. Therefore, eating some nuts after meals normalizes the post-prandial glycemic curve.
Do nuts prevent diabetes? There are several scientific studies worldwide that have linked nuts, or dried fruit, and diabetes. Dried fruit seems to play a very decisive role because it improves the risk factors for diabetes. Studies show, in fact, that the consumption of nuts and dried fruit is inversely associated with the development of diabetes. Walnuts, in particular, help improve blood sugar control in diabetes. Researchers from the Human Nutrition Unit of the Rovira i Virgili University claim that eating 57 grams of pistachios per day decreases the fasting glucose level and at the same time promotes insulin resistance.
How to use walnuts in your diet? Walnuts can be eaten in many ways. They can be added to salads with lettuce but also to mixed or fruit salads. Dried walnuts can also be added to pesto. In general, you can dress the pasta with a good and healthy walnut sauce. For this, just chop some walnuts with pecorino and a piece of garlic. Add extra virgin olive oil, salt and nutmeg. Nuts definitely go well with cheeses. Finally, the traditional walnut bread is delicious. Nuts also go very well with fruits such as apples, bananas, pears, oranges, grapes and figs.
How are walnuts preserved? Per be consumed all year round and can be kept with suitable precautions to avoid the formation of harmful and poisonous molds. After harvesting, the nuts must be dried in the sun for 2-3 days. At this point they should be placed in mesh bags and stored in dark and moisture-free places. Nuts can also be preserved in the fridge. However, they must be placed in glass jars. This will isolate the walnut from other odors and also prevent the proliferation of parasites. In this way, walnuts can also be stored for up to 3 months.
How to remove nut stains from hands Fresh walnuts are good but the bitter skin that covers them leaves the nails and hands black. Grandma’s trick to make your nails and fingers white and clean is to rub them with half a lemon and a little baking soda. Just scratch your fingers inside a lemon. At this point, rub and walk your hands with a little baking soda. Once this operation is finished, wash your hands under running water. Another grandmother’s trick is to wash your hands with white vinegar in hot water. Wash your fingers and hands by soaking them in the solution. Vent your hands until clean. Finally wash them under running water with soap.