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How to drive a manual and automatic car so as not to be sluggish on inclines

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Chinese cars are not strong uphill again so hot automotive conversation. When climbing the ability of a supportive car is necessary, but that’s not the only reason driving skills also needed.

Going uphill can be difficult for many drivers, especially if the situation is jammed. If the sequence of movements of the hands and feet is wrong, it is not impossible for the car to reverse until it has difficulty momentum or endanger other road users behind.

Transmission car matic seems easier stop and go when traversing inclines rather than manual. But in certain cases it is not always like that.

The following are things that must be considered when climbing:

Manual Car

If the car is driven manually, there is a right way to make it easier to eat up inclines after a complete stop. The first thing to do is activate the parking brake or hand brake.

When you want to move forward, position your left foot on the clutch pedal by stepping on it fully, then slide the transmission lever into first gear. Then put your right foot on the gas pedal, while your left hand prepares to release the hand brake.

When the feet and hands are in position, press the button on the handbrake to release the lever hook lock. When it is done, hold down the handbrake lever so that it does not suddenly release or the car can reverse.

After that the driver must do three things simultaneously, namely slowly lowering the handbrake lever, the right foot starting to step on the gas pedal, and slowly lifting the clutch pedal. It takes practice until you finally find the right sync.

It should be noted that some modern cars are equipped with electric hand brakes, but the operation on an incline is not much different.

How far the gas pedal needs to be stepped on depends on the steepness of the road, the steeper the engine needs a bigger gas command, aka high engine speed.

How far the clutch pedal is lifted also adjusts the gas pedal opening. If the car is too fast it can jump, if it is too slow the engine can die.

Drivers are also advised not to do the ‘half clutch’ often because it can affect component life, but under certain conditions it can be done continuously for driving safety.

Another way to go up an incline after a complete stop is to only rely on the brake pedal, without the hand brake. This method can usually be done by advanced drivers because this technique is quite difficult.

When you want to move forward using this technique, make sure your right foot is still on the brake pedal, then position your left foot to fully step on the clutch. After both feet are ready, slide the transmission lever to first gear.

After that slide your right foot quickly onto the gas pedal while pressing it slowly to at least 2,000 rpm. It should be understood when doing so means that the brake pedal is released and there is a risk of the car going backwards.

That is why the left foot needs to quickly lift the clutch pedal until the car is advanced.

It is also important to understand to provide distance from other vehicles in front when queuing up an incline. This is to anticipate the risk of the vehicle in front of you retreating because it fails to go up smoothly.

Car Matic

On the car matic the way forward on an incline is easier because you don’t have to bother adjusting the clutch pedal.

Even so, there are still a number of things that the driver needs to understand, especially about positioning the transmission. It should be understood that generally the automatic transmission lever has a number of codes such as P, R, N, D, 2, and L. Each has a different function if the transmission lever is positioned.

Meanwhile, when climbing, you should position the lever in the L position, which means that the transmission will only be stuck in 1st gear. This is very useful, especially when you are on a steep incline and stop and go positions, as well as moving from rest.

But if the incline is not too steep, using the D transmission is enough.

Car driver matic it is still advisable to use the handbrake to hold the car from moving backwards when it is at rest.

It is not recommended to rely solely on idle engine power by positioning the transmission to D to hold the car on an incline. Engine power can hold the weight of the vehicle when the transmission lever is in position D, but if the incline is steep, there is a possibility that the car will still reverse due to gravity.

Car understanding matic not going backward on an incline in the transmission position D is wrong.

“If in the incline position, besides power [berat] the car there is also power corner. This means that the tilt of the car makes the backward power greater, when the forward power is less, the car will go backwards instead of advancing, “said Bambang Supriyadi, Technical Service Division Executive Coordinator of Astra Daihatsu Motor.

In modern cars, there are also those that are equipped with assisting features on inclines such as hill start assist. This feature activates the brakes automatically for a few seconds to replace the work of pulling the handbrake.

(ryh / fea)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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