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How to drink coffee to maintain a healthy heart – Rambler / Doctor

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Caffeine increases the level of dopamine in the brain, positively affects the central nervous system and even improves physical activity. But at the same time, doctors regularly warn that many coffee lovers in the future run the risk of heart disease.

Is it possible not to give up a favorite drink, but at the same time maintain health? Understood “Rambler”.

Australian scientists studied the data of more than 300 thousand patients aged 37 to 73 years. Among them were also people with the specific CYP1A2 gene, due to which the body manages to digest caffeine faster.

The study found that those who drink five or more cups of coffee a day, the risk of heart attack is 22% higher than people who are limited to two cups of drink per day. In addition, the CYP1A2 gene does not protect people from heart disease, so they should also not abuse caffeine.

But why coffee, despite all its advantages, so negatively affects the work of the main human organ? The thing is that an elevated level of caffeine in the blood provokes a jump in pressure, which is a risk factor for heart problems.

Interestingly, people who don’t drink coffee at all, or who prefer a decaffeinated drink, can also face heart diseases in the same way: the risk is increased by 11% and 7% compared with those who drink 1-2 cups of coffee per day.

Thus, experts agreed: it is not worth forever refusing coffee, however, abusing it is an extremely bad idea. It is best to limit yourself to one or two servings per day – in this case, coffee will become your friend, not the enemy.

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