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How to donate your body to science in Mexico

These are the steps to follow to donate your body to science in Mexico, an action that could help the development of medicine and the formation of forensic knowledge.

For more than a decade, the culture of postmortem organ donation It has become popular in all strata of the Mexican population. However, very few knew that this is not the only action that a person can allow after his death for the benefit of many. In fact, there is another very interesting option that is gaining more and more followers in our country: the altruistic transfer of your body for scientific purposes. Here we tell you what it consists of and how you can donate your body to science in Mexico.

What is the use of donating your body to science?

Although the idea may sound strange, a person’s body can serve many scientific – and entirely legal – purposes after death this.

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Among them are the generation of medical knowledgeincluding the investigation of diseases and pathologies characteristic of a specific population. It could also benefit the forensic field, especially by using mortuary observation to avoid deaths due to procedural errors.

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In addition, the bodily donation could allow the development of medical treatments, surgical techniques and biomedical devicesas well as improve the quality of health care and safety of a patient in life

How to donate your body to science in Mexico?

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is accredited to deal with the donation of bodies to science through the Body Donation Program (PDC), the first of its kind nationwide and the only one that has the support of the secretaries of health at the federal and local levels.

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To be part of the program you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Register through the official page of the PDC (www.pdc.unam.mx) or on phones 56 23 22 69 / 56 23 24 12 / 55 60 70 79 95.
  2. Once the registration is done will schedule an informative appointment with PDC staff at the UNAM Faculty of Medicine (Av. Universidad 3000, Circuito Interior – Ciudad Universitaria in CDMX). It is recommended to attend in the company of a family member who can inform about the life of the volunteer.
  3. Submit the requested documents and sign the official donation record sheet at the PDC facilities.

Once these steps have been completed, your name will be registered in the program registry. When the death of the donor is certified, their relatives must notify the PDC about the death and report its causeit will depend on this whether or not the body can be accepted for the purposes pursued by the program.

How to donate your body to science in Mexico
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Should the body be accepted for donation to science, the PDC will carry out all the necessary procedures for its transfer to the facilities of the Faculty of Medicinewhere it will be made available to the institution. The UNAM will bear the operating expenses, as well as the cremation of the body. after it has fulfilled its purpose.

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