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how to distinguish them if the symptoms are similar?

However, if the patient does not even suffer from coronavirus, this does not mean that the disease is not serious.

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Coronavirus has infected more than 100 thousand people around the world. Against the background of all the news about the cancellation of events, flights and security measures (wash your hands!) It does not seem strange that people can feel alarmed every time they itch in the throat or cough.

Although coronavirus requires a truly serious relationship, the chances of each individual to catch him are still low. But if anyone is interested in whether a stuffy nose might turn out to be a worse case scenario, professor of medicine and infectious diseases Dr. Greg Poland explained to CNN what the difference is between the typical symptoms of allergies, colds, flu, and coronavirus.

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Do they bake their eyes? Flowing from the nose? Most likely you have an allergy or a common cold.

“The problem with seasonal allergies is that they affect the nose and eyes. They are usually nasal, and all the symptoms are concentrated in the head. Although there may still be a rash, ”said Poland.

Symptoms of coronavirus and influenza are more systemic. This means that they affect the whole body.

“Influenza and the new coronavirus affect other systems and the lower respiratory tract. Probably there will be no leakage from the nose. But a sore throat, cough, fever, or shortness of breath may appear. Therefore, this is a slightly different clinical diagnosis, ”the expert said.

He advises careful attention to temperature. After all, with allergies, it usually does not rise. Also, they do not lead to shortness of breath, unless the patient suffers from other problems, such as asthma.

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Allergy symptoms often appear and are usually mild. Poland explains that if the same symptoms appear at approximately the same time from year to year, it is probably due to seasonal allergies. In this case, over-the-counter medications and the usual safety precautions will help you feel better.

Symptoms of coronavirus and influenza can disable the patient.

“If you really have a coronavirus or the flu, you will feel so tired, everything will hurt so much that getting out of bed will be difficult. Everyone will notice the change. An allergy can cause feelings of fatigue, but there will be no serious muscle pain, ”the doctor explained.

Colds and mild flu symptoms usually go away on their own. Subject to quality rest and proper care, the patient begins to feel better after a few days. Symptoms of coronavirus or acute flu may worsen over time. And this is an accurate sign that it is time to ask for help.

Coronavirus is definitely worth suspecting if it becomes difficult to breathe. In humans, pneumonia due to flu can begin. This also manifests itself. But in any case, a medical examination is needed, ”said Poland.

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Early symptoms of allergies, colds, flu, and coronavirus may be similar. And in some cases, the symptoms of coronavirus and flu can be mild enough that people do not attach much importance to this. In this case you need to pay attention to how long the symptoms persistespecially if you are at risk.

“We worry about older people with asthma or other lung diseases, people with heart disease or diabetes, and pregnant women,” added Poland.

Coronavirus infections usually occur in a context. According to Poland, every doctor should ask about the latest events in the life of everyone who is afraid that they have caught a dangerous new virus. In particular, the doctor will ask if the patient has been traveling recently, and if so, where. Have you seen any of your relatives, friends or colleagues in other countries recently. Did someone come from a place affected by the epidemic to the patient’s home? Was there a patient on a cruise liner recently and does he live near coronavirus outbreaks.

“It’s like a detective work. You need to collect and put together pieces of data. If someone who hasn’t left Kansas thinks he has a coronavirus, I will tell him to take Tylenol, drink plenty of fluids and rest, ”explained Poland.

This may sound harsh, but right now the availability of tests and treatment does not allow us to respond to every vague suspicion.

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“If you are alarmed, contact your GP. Describe your symptoms and he will make a decision. You can’t test everyone, and especially several times, ”the doctor explained.

It is also an opportunity to show some critical thinking before going to the hospital for a diagnosis. According to Poland, it is worth taking the next step only if suspicion grows.

However, even if it’s not a coronavirus, this does not mean that the disease is not serious.

“In the past few months, 30 million Americans have been infected with the virus. About 300-500 thousand of them were in such a serious condition that they were put in a hospital. About 30 thousand patients died. It was a flu virus. We are so culturally insensitive to “just flu,” we don’t take it seriously, despite the scary numbers. For contrast, the coronavirus killed about 3,300 people in the same time, ”the doctor said.

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He admits that the new coronavirus has a relatively high mortality rate. But the more people are already infected, the more likely the infection will spread even more. This means that, despite the statistical difference in mortality rates, flu is a big problem for ordinary people.

“If 30 million people are already infected, then another 10 million will be easier to infect,” explained Poland.

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