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How to Distinguish Between Cold, Flu, and COVID-19: Symptoms and Testing Advice

Recently, the coronavirus seemed to have faded into the background. But the virus is flaring up again in waves. The number of corona infections is currently increasing again. It is therefore extra important to pay close attention to whether your complaints indicate a cold, flu or corona.

Colds, flu and COVID-19 are all caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract and mucous membranes. Although these conditions have overlapping symptoms, there are also clear differences in pathogens, severity, course and treatment. It is therefore important to know how to distinguish between these common conditions so that you can take the right measures.


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A cold is caused by rhinoviruses, of which there are hundreds of types. Cold viruses infect and irritate the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx and sinuses. This leads to inflammatory reactions with mild symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and sometimes a mild fever. Other typical cold symptoms include headache, earache due to blockage of the Eustachian tube and a productive cough (where you cough up phlegm). A cold usually clears up on its own within 5 to 10 days. Rest, plenty of fluids and painkillers are often sufficient treatment. Antibiotics do not help because a cold is caused by a virus and antibiotics are intended for bacterial infections.

Cold viruses spread easily from person to person through small droplets of saliva released when coughing and sneezing. The viruses are also transmitted through contact with surfaces and hands. The risk of infection is greater in autumn/winter when people spend more time indoors.


Unlike a cold, flu is caused by influenza viruses. Flu often starts suddenly high fever, muscle pain, general malaise and acute fatigue. Other typical flu symptoms include headache, sore throat, dry cough and nasal congestion. Flu is usually more serious than a common cold and lasts on average 2 to 3 weeks. In vulnerable groups such as the elderly, flu can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis or even death. Every year, hundreds of Dutch people end up in intensive care with flu. A flu shot in the fall can provide protection against the most common influenza viruses of the season. Flu viruses spread, just like cold viruses, through cough and sneeze droplets contact with surfaces.


COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and belongs to the coronaviruses. COVID-19 can range from mild cold symptoms to severe pneumonia with acute shortness of breath. Typical symptoms include fever, dry cough, fatigue and sudden loss of smell and taste. Unlike the flu, muscle aches are less common.

COVID-19 is not always milder than the flu. COVID-19 can be very serious, especially in the elderly and people with underlying conditions, and can cause death due to complications such as pneumonia. There is no effective treatment yet for COVID-19, but there have been vaccines since 2021 to prevent infection. The coronavirus, like other respiratory viruses, spreads through droplets and contact with contaminated surfaces.

Advice on symptoms

Do you have symptoms that could indicate a cold, flu or COVID-19? Then stay at home and limit contact with others until you know for sure who you have among the members. If you have a fever and/or shortness of breath, get tested for corona immediately. Follow the advice of the RIVM carefully. This way you prevent the virus from spreading to vulnerable people. Only go outside again if you have been free of complaints for 24 hours.

When is it wise to test for corona?

Since March 2023, testing for corona is no longer mandatory in case of complaints. Testing is usually not necessary for mild cold symptoms without fever. Then follow the general advice such as staying at home, keeping your distance and good hygiene. However, it can be useful to be tested in certain situations. Consider self-tests in these cases:

🏠 You have housemates or close contacts who belong to a risk group, such as the elderly or people in poor health

🤒 You have persistent complaints such as fever, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue.

🏥 You work in healthcare, education or with large groups of people. Avoiding contact after a positive test prevents patients, students or colleagues from being infected.

✈️ You are going on a trip abroad. Some countries still require a negative test result.

Self-tests are available without a prescription at pharmacies and supermarkets. Free self-tests are available until the end of 2023 for people with a low income. People at high risk can request 25 free self-tests every month.


Despite the overlap in symptoms, there are clear differences between colds, flu and COVID-19 in terms of pathogens, typical course, complications and treatment. By being well aware of these differences, it is possible to distinguish between these common conditions. If you have any doubts or worrying symptoms, it is wise to consult a doctor

🧪Curious how to do a self-test correctly? Watch this video!

Source: GGD IJsselland

2023-11-10 09:03:00
#cold #flu #corona

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