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How to detoxify the body, only in this way you eliminate all the dirt from the body

How to detoxify the body? Only in this way you get rid of all the dirt from the organism. You just need a few simple ingredients to make the elixir of life. You will not regret.

How to detoxify the body naturally – Nanopress.it

Is your body asking you for help? Starts to detoxify the body. Only in this way will you be able to expel all toxinseven the most harmful ones. Ready to discover the secret used by the Orientals?

Natural detoxification: when the body asks for help

It may happen that our body sometimes it ends up giving us some problems. If you too have recently found yourself a struggle with rather annoying physical symptomsfor instance headache or stomach achesit means that your body is asking you for help.

Detoxify the body: here’s how to do it naturally – Nanopress.it

What to do in these cases? Obviously, in addition to contacting relevant health professionalsyou can opt for a natural detox can eliminate all toxins and the dirt in your system.

You know you can make some Natural and perfectly safe elixirs with a few simple ingredients? She continues reading. If you also want to cleanse your bodyyou will definitely have to try this recipe.

It will take you a few minutes to make it but the results for your body will be so beneficial that you will no longer be able to do without it. This it is the method used above all in the Middle East.

The natural detox to purify the body

If you’ve come to read this far, it’s because you too believe that your body needs help. Are you looking for natural ideas to create elixirs or detox able to purify your body? Then you’re in the right place.

Detox for the body – Nanopress.it

Ecco recipe that we put at your disposal, mainly used in the Middle East for cleanse the body of toxins. We are sure you will thank us. For our recipe you will need two lemons which you will put in a bowl inside which you will add hot water.

Be careful to clean the lemons well, they must be free of dirt and impurities. Also add a teaspoon of baking soda to hot water and let the lemons soak for 10 to 15 minutes.

At this point, get yourself two heads of garlic. Divide them into wedges and clean some which you will then go to finely chop. Garlic is really great because purifies the blood, cleans blood vessels and also prevents clots.

It also removes the fluid accumulated in the joints and in the bones and prevents the calcificationespecially the knees. This recipe can really be made by anyone. The only drawback concerns pregnant women who should always contact their trusted gynecologist for any problem.

Garlic really cleanses the body of toxins. Once you’ve chopped it finely, put it in a glass jar. Then clean the lemons previously placed in water for 15 minutes and dry them with absorbent paper.

At this point, chop them finely, eliminating the seeds contained inside. Lemon also has extraordinary properties. It it is a natural anti-inflammatory and also a antioxidant with antiviral properties: more or less equal in benefits to garlic.

Once you get finely chopped lemon, put it in the glass jar together with the garlic cloves. At this point, you will need to add 200 ml of bee honey and start mixing everything well.

The compound you will have created is a panacea mix that can strengthen the immune system. Esso it also cleanses the liver and joints and removes bad cholesterol. This mixture is also able to cleanse the stomach and digestive system of parasites as well as absorb the liquids that form in the bones and joints.

After mixing everything, close the glass jar with a lid and store in the fridge for seven days or in any case in a cool place. After that, you can start using this amazing natural detox. How?

Take a teaspoon of this mixture and eat it accompanied by a glass of water, possibly lukewarm. It is recommended to consume this Elixir 30-40 minutes before breakfast. Such a detox strengthens the immune system and cleanses the body of toxins. Ready to cleanse your body? You’ll thank us for the tip.

Steps to create natural detox – Nanopress.it

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