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How to determine the disease by the condition of the feet – Rambler / doctor

By the condition of the feet, you can learn a lot about your health and even recognize some serious diseases. Rambler will tell you more about this.

Thyroid problems

Dry skin of the feet is one of the symptoms of thyroid problems. If a patient has peeling of the skin, this indicates an excess or lack of hormones.

Arthritis or gout

Thickening of the thumb warns of these diseases. Diseases can appear as a result of an excess of uric acid in the body, which is deposited on the joints and destroys them.


One of the problems of diabetes mellitus is difficult and long wound healing, which over time can lead to complications such as diabetic foot. Unstable blood sugar disrupts blood circulation in the lower extremities and prevents even the smallest wounds from healing.

Endocarditis heart infection

This disease is signaled by red stripes that appear under the toenails. The capillaries are destroyed.

Heart problems and lung cancer

This may be evidenced by deformed fingers. These diseases make it difficult for blood to reach the arteries at their tips. The result can be swelling of the toes.

Blockage of arteries

This problem is indicated by the absence of hair on the toes and a sharp slowdown in their growth in the ankle area. Plaque can accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, which can provoke the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

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