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How to detect sun allergy

Skin sensitivity due to sun exposure is often manifested after at least one day of exposure. Do you know how the sun influences your skin health?

Polymorphic eruption of light, so it is known in medical terms allergy to sunlight.

According to experts, about 1/5 of Europeans face this condition. People with light skin are especially affected. This problem occurs every year and can have quite negative effects on the skin.

Allergies are common and it is important to know what can cause you such discomfort in order to prevent it.

Harmful effects of UVB

Exposure to ultraviolet rays is good for the health of your skin, but there are cases where it can do more harm than good. One of the side effects besides sun allergy is premature skin aging.

To combat this problem it is necessary to use a cream with both UVB and UA protection factor.

You may think that it is not possible for you to face such an allergy, but keep in mind that it is one of the most common allergies that occurs immediately with the first prolonged exposure to the sun.

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How does the allergy manifest itself?

If you notice certain itchy rashes immediately after you have been exposed to sunlight then call a specialist as soon as possible. Although it is possible that during the summer it will improve, when the skin has already become accustomed to UV radiation.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro if you are among those who are at risk of having a sun allergy!

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