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how to defend risky savings

We needed only the war to complicate this difficult exit from the covid pandemic. This is the strong sensation that winds among the people, but also among the insiders.

The exit from Covid now seems close and the Italians were preparing to breathe a sigh of relief comforted by the rumors of an imminent recovery. But now nobody talks about recovery and the only topic is inflation. Confesercenti fears it could even reach 6% and which could lead to a drop in consumption of 4 billion.

Meanwhile, commodities are galloping and the purchasing power of the currency is decreasing day by day. A truly bleak scenario that no one would have imagined until just a few months ago. The ongoing crisis in Ukraine did the rest. Commodities are rising even more and Italians are wondering how to protect their savings from ever more rampant inflation. The preferred choice of Italians are postal savings bonds.

Interest-bearing bonds, but not only

These are simple products to subscribe and understand, the money is protected by the state and although the interests are not very high, they still allow some defense against inflation. It is definitely better to avoid complex instruments with high volatility such as Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Until a few months ago, Bitcoins were recommended as a possible safe haven asset in the event of inflation, but today no one really talks about it in these terms anymore. and the reason is simple: for months now they have been losing color and precisely on the occasion of the Ukrainian attack, instead of increasing as gold did, they have collapsed even more.

Useful and other dangerous tools

Inflation-pegged bonds can be a good tool. Inflation-pegged bonds are issued by various states and offer interest proportional to inflation measured in that state, therefore it is a tool to definitely keep an eye on. But consumer protection associations warn. Banks and financial institutions of various kinds in this period are offering refuge investments of many kinds. Before subscribing to this kind of tools, however, it is necessary to think carefully.

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The amazing promises of interests capable of withstanding the impact of inflation are not necessarily followed by the facts. It is also advisable to avoid instruments that speculate on the rise in commodities. It is true that raw materials are increasing, but it is also true that they are extremely volatile and this kind of very complex speculation must be left to those who are actually competent.

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