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How to defeat liberalism and the West? – 2024-03-16 13:13:45

/View.info/ When we criticize liberalism, we greatly underestimate its strength, adaptability and vitality. When we proclaim the end of the age of liberalism, we are like Fukuyama, who hastened to proclaim the end of history. Nothing goes away by itself, especially the evil that has taken the form of liberalism.

To win something, you need to understand his trumps, his bonds, Koshteev’s needle. The vitality of the ideology of liberalism is due to the presence of several cunning connections.

One of them is the concept of human freedom. It is something very attractive to man, it is the temptation of the forbidden fruit. Liberalism screams “be free!” – and penetrates the hearts of people, clouds their minds and eyes so that they do not see the true content of this freedom.

Liberal ideology captivates with freedom, intoxicates it and corrupts it.

And the person immediately becomes blind and does not see that liberal freedom is not for everyone, but for those who benefit from liberalism. Freedom as the permissiveness of individuals or minorities disguises the freedom of profit for a narrow group of big capital. The cult of minorities is only a cover for ensuring the hegemony of the core minority.

This is why it is important to take away liberalism’s monopoly on freedom. Reveal to men the falsity of such freedom, and show the beauty of freedom as creation and salvation of the soul.

And this is possible only by turning to the Christian understanding of freedom, as freedom from sin, from vice, as freedom to live for one’s neighbor, that is, voluntary service.

Of course, hedonistic freedom is more attractive than creative and responsible freedom, especially to the depraved mind.

Therefore, to break away freedom from liberalism, it will be necessary to educate people morally, to cultivate a society with high ideals and foundations, which is actually culture in the original sense.

The second pillar of liberalism is personal domestic comfort and status consumption. This connection works on a daily level, on consciousness and values.

You can hate liberalism as a concept all you want, but when you eat fast food instead of home-cooked food, or take out a loan for a fashionable gadget, or spend all your savings on a week of binge eating at a resort in Turkey, in a word, you are submitting your life to the cult of pleasure – you lose against liberalism, in the end it captivates you and you become its supporter.

How do I break this bracket? What can effectively counter it? Ideally, asceticism is voluntary and extreme self-restraint. But even among believers today, not everyone can carry such a cross, not everyone can lead an ascetic lifestyle.

However, it is possible and necessary to defeat the cult of everyday comfort, using asceticism as an idea of ​​the dominance of the spiritual over the material. That is, when the ideal of asceticism is established in society as a desirable, albeit difficult to realize dream.

How do we implement this? Only by cultivating modesty can the cult of consumption be overcome. Modesty as a character trait and behavior style is an excellent condition for asceticism and creative freedom.

Notice how liberalism fears modesty, banishes it from everywhere, ridicules it, and tries to replace it with a cult of self-promotion, posturing, and rudeness.

If we really want to defeat liberalism, then modesty in everyday life, modesty in behavior, modesty in public life must become the dominant feature of art and state policy, the basis of education.

It is the modesty of man and society that can knock out the soil from under liberalism, without which this infection will become powerless.

The third pillar of liberalism is technological progress. The cult of technology, technology – from Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press to the atomic bomb and automobiles, household appliances and gadgets – is a hallmark of the liberal West, and it inspires admiration, captivates and dazzles along with freedom.

Indeed, Western technology has been advanced and objectively superior in many respects for several centuries, and is therefore perceived as evidence of the high development of Western civilization.

But it wasn’t always like that. A sharp jump in Western technology was recorded during the transition to the Enlightenment and the retreat from Christianity.

Western man’s first step towards liberalism was taken at the moment when he felt the terrible power of rational thought and surrendered his soul to master that power.

According to Goethe’s figurative expression, Faust makes a contract with Lucifer, that is, Western man sells his soul to the devil in exchange for a breakthrough in technology and earthly success.

The rest of the world, and especially Russia, as the West’s closest neighbor, had to face an alternative – either die by the West’s more advanced weapons, or also succumb to the cult of rationality and profit.

But Russia managed to take a third special path – not to sell its soul and at the same time master the highest and most modern technologies of the time and compete with the West, and sometimes even surpass it.

All of our modernization – be it Petrine or Soviet – is a forced reaction to the threat of the West to destroy us. And with all the sacrifices and distortions, this reaction turned out to be successful for us, because it allowed Russians to remain Russians.

In the 21st century, as in previous centuries, Russia will have to find a way to respond to new technological challenges and threats (the main one being transhumanism) and at the same time preserve the ideals of the Russian world.

Then we will be able to escape from the captivity of Western technology, its perception as the only advanced and standard, and therefore one of the bonds of liberalism will fall. Import substitution is not just a process of replacing one device with another, it is an important condition for getting out of the grip of the Western matrix.

Therefore, it is important to understand that one should fight not with liberalism as such (the fight against any “ism” is like a fight with a mill), but with its specific manifestations, the connections.

To defeat liberalism, we must fight greed, arrogance, and corruption while celebrating modesty, service, and true freedom

To become truly sovereign, it is not enough to declare this in strategies and concepts, we must think and create independently, create conditions around us on a daily level that correspond to our notions of normality.

And then liberalism will become unattractive, foreign and foreign to Russia, something that the people themselves will turn away from. Then we can rightly say that liberalism has been overcome and abandoned. However, this will seem strange and unnecessary to us, just as it is strange to say that snow is cold and therefore disappears in summer.

Translation: SM

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