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How to decolonize cities – PublicoGT

Omar Marroquín Pacheco

The decolonization of cities involves a complex and multifaceted process that
seeks to address and reverse the effects of colonialism on the structure and mentality
of cities. Here are some ideas and approaches that may be helpful in this

  1. Recognize colonial history: It is important to understand the history and
    colonial roots of the city in question. This involves researching and analyzing
    how colonialism has influenced urban planning, the distribution of
    power, discrimination and inequality in urban space.
  2. Include indigenous and non-Western perspectives: Cities often
    are designed and organized according to Western models that exclude or
    they minimize indigenous perspectives and cultures. It is essential to include and give
    voice to indigenous communities and other marginalized communities in the
    urban decision making and policy planning.
  3. Rethinking urban planning: Urban planning has been
    historically a tool to exercise colonial power and control.
    To decolonize cities, approaches must be questioned and evaluated
    dominant urban planning models and seek more inclusive and
    participatory. This implies greater consideration of the needs of
    local communities, environmental sustainability and social justice.
  4. Rename and revalue spaces: Many cities have streets, parks and
    buildings that honor colonial figures or events that perpetuate narratives
    of colonial domination. Rename and revalue these spaces to reflect
    the contributions and history of local communities can be a step
    significant in decolonization.
  5. Strengthening local culture: Promoting and supporting local cultural expression is
    an important form of decolonization. This involves the promotion of
    festivals, events and activities that celebrate cultural diversity and
    Recognize local history and traditions.
  6. Educate about colonial history: Education is essential for
    decolonization. It is important to provide critical education and
    complete about colonial history and its impacts on cities. This
    can be incorporated into the school curriculum, as well as in programs and
    community activities.
  7. Addressing inequality and discrimination: Decolonization not only
    involves addressing history and culture, but also addressing the
    inequalities and discriminations present in urban space. This
    involves working towards greater equity in terms of housing, employment,

access to services and opportunities for all communities,
especially those historically marginalized.
These are just some approaches and strategies that can be useful for
decolonization of cities. It should be noted that the decolonization process
It is complex and requires a continuous and collaborative commitment of society in its

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