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how to deal with engine starting problems

When winter temperatures are particularly cold, many motorists have a big problem to solve: car struggling to start. In fact, at the lowest temperatures, the engine may find it difficult to start.

It usually happens if you leave your car parked outdoors all night, in the absence of a garage or covered shed, and temperatures approach zero or even go below zero. What happens to the car and why won’t it start?

The causes of difficult ignition

If the car has difficulty starting in winter or even the engine does not start due to the cold, the causes can be different:

  • if the car is diesel powered, we know that diesel tends to freeze more easily compared to petrol and the fuel may therefore not get from the tank to the engine;
  • another thing to know is that diesel engines use le candelette for faster heating of the air in the combustion chamber, so if even one of these fails, the car struggles to start;
  • the battery it is one of the elements of the car that is most affected by the winter cold. For this it would be good to protect it and make sure that it is in good charging condition;
  • i liquids they can freeze, so always check the level of the coolant and the windshield washer, there are special products for the winter; the engine oil is essential for the functioning of the car, which helps starting, therefore use one with the most suitable viscosity characteristics for the winter season, bearing in mind the manufacturer’s recommendations (to be read in the use and maintenance manual ).

How to start your car in winter

The first thing to keep in mind is always: prepare in time for the arrival of winter. Here are some useful tips to prevent the car from starting due to the cold:

  • if possible, leave it indoors overnight;
  • use a suitable oil for cold temperatures and winter weather;
  • provide a good maintenance of the car, having it checked that the fuel system is always clean;
  • have the battery checked;
  • check that the spark plugs in petrol engines and the spark plugs in diesel ones are working;
  • always keep the fuel tank at least half full;
  • keep the battery terminals clean;
  • avoid insisting on starter motor, keeping in mind that trying to crank the starter for more than 10-15 seconds could damage it. The advice is precisely not to insist, try to wait a few minutes, and then try again.

If all elements of the engine, fuel system and electrical system are functioning as they should, without any problems, then starting the car should be easy, even in very cold weather.

We remember that the battery suffers a lot from the cold, so be careful not to waste energy. Avoid turning on the radio or lights as soon as you get into the car, or the air conditioner to defoam the windows.

And finally let’s not forget that there are ad hoc products for the winter. For example, special sprays to help start the engine, to be sprayed on the filter, air intake or carburetor. There are also some on the market special additives to prevent diesel freezing and other products recommended for preserving your car during the winter season.

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