Friday, June 17 2022 – 07:27 WIB
VIVA – Footnote or notes Footnotes are notes at the bottom of a page. Function of footnote namely as a place to include identity or information on reference sources from quoting information in the text or paragraph.
Nevertheless, footnote often found in scientific works such as journals, theses, theses, or dissertations. In short, footnote often used for citations to avoid plagiarism.
Function footnote other
- Provide information and explanations about the sources of quotations in the preparation of reading lists in scientific works so that they can be understood by readers.
- Appreciate the cited sources.
- Show other references so that readers know a clearer discussion of the terms used.
- Expanding the discussion of a particular issue outside the context and text.
- Indicates the existence of borrowing or taking from the materials used.
For those of you who are compiling scientific papers or documents that require footnotenow Microsoft Word provide this feature. The way to use it is very easy. Here are the steps to make footnote from Microsoft Word.
- Double click at the bottom of the page or where you want to write footnote or you can use the shortcut Alt+CTRL+F.
- Microsoft Word will automatically refer to the menu Header & Footer.
- Click features Footer then select the type of Footer you want. If you want to add a footnote, select the type of Footer that is blank.
- Hover to the bottom of the page, change the text [type here] with the text you want.
Elements of writing footnote