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How to control joint pain if you have osteoporosis

Bone health in the elderly as well as the young is essential at the present time, if we take into account our lifestyle, and due to our hectic lifestyle, habits of eating processed foods and lack of nutrients there is a risk of developing bone joint problems at a later stage in our life.

Sometimes these problems may afflict children and young adults, and here comes the role of good nutrition in managing bone health, whether it is arthritis or osteoporosis.

Controlling joint pain through diet

The health of bone tissue is prepared, according to the website report. onlymyhealth“It is vital for anyone to work in daily activity, and the vitamin helps to maintain strong and healthy bones, but over time, the bones inside the body begin to lose their energy and become fragile and more likely to break even with a little stress in them.

Osteoporosis is an example of this type of condition, where the bones become weak and brittle with age. Surprisingly, osteoporosis is not a normal part of aging.

Diet can play a major role in osteoporosis, and doctors recommend regular consumption of vitamin C once an individual reaches the age of 30, especially women as this begins when the body’s bones begin to erode.

Diet for osteoporosis

Besides nutritional supplements, the body also needs some nutritious foods to maintain healthy bones, and in this report we discuss diet For osteoporosis Including which foods to include, avoiding maintaining bone strength and delaying the development of osteoporosis.

Foods to include

Milk and dairy products:

Milk contains a good amount of calcium and thus it is absolutely essential for bone health, aside from milk, yogurt and cheese are also some dairy products that may provide enough calcium to the body to maintain healthy bones and are a good option to delay the development of osteoporosis.


Besides calcium, vitamin D is also an important component for bone health, and salmon is one of the foods that contain both of these vitamins and minerals to thrive and is considered a good food for osteoporosis. Along with salmon, other types of food that contain rich amounts of calcium and vitamin D are like tuna, mushrooms and egg yolks.


Almonds are rich in minerals like magnesium and contain lots of protein, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and calcium, making them a good food to include in an osteoporosis diet, so eating almonds daily contributes greatly to maintaining bone health and delaying the development of osteoporosis.

Fortified cereals:

If a person is unable to incorporate milk or daily products due to lactose intolerance or for any reason, another option is to take fortified cereals.

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