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How To Consistently Diet Until You Reach The Target

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

One of the deep difficulties lose weight is running diet consistently. Here’s how to be consistent on a diet until you reach the desired target.

People who are on a diet are required to be disciplined in leading a healthy lifestyle by adjusting their diet and regular exercise. Don’t let the busyness of your activities make you neglect healthy foods and forget about exercising.

Apart from maintaining a diet and exercise, the awareness to lose weight must be firmly planted in your mind.

Here’s how to be consistent on a diet until you reach your target

1. Create a schedule for a healthy breakfast every day

The way to be consistent on a diet is not to skip breakfast. Breakfast is a source of energy and metabolism that can help you lose weight (Photo: Istockphoto / Arx0nt)-

Many people skip breakfast and choose to eat only once or twice a day to lose weight. In fact, breakfast is important for the body’s metabolism and helps you lose weight.

We recommend that you make a daily breakfast menu on your cellphone and set an alarm as a reminder so you don’t forget breakfast time. Make a creative breakfast menu.

You can eat oatmeal or granola mixed with yogurt with fruit toppings. Another breakfast menu idea is whole wheat bread filled with eggs and vegetables or you can also consume boiled eggs.

2. Prepare healthy snacks

Illustration of granola and fruitsThe way to be consistent on a diet is to prepare healthy snacks such as fruits. (Photo: Jamie Hamel-Smith)-

Bringing healthy snacks is one way to keep a consistent diet. Healthy snacks help you reduce unhealthy snacking habits that can ruin your diet. You can bring fruits such as apples, watermelons, melons, avocados or salads to make healthy snacks in between activities.

You can replace the snack menu with low-calorie cakes. Healthy snacks can be consumed between heavy meal breaks, which are around 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

3. Prepare healthy provisions for lunch

Lunch Box IllustrationThe way to be consistent on a diet is to prepare food supplies that contain healthy foods while on the move outside the home (Photo: manbob / Pixabay)-

Besides saving more money, bringing self-cooked food is also healthier and more hygienic, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Bringing supplies can also prevent you from buying unhealthy foods such as fast food.

Prepare supplies with healthy food ingredients. There are three types of rice or rice that are good for consumption in place of white rice, namely brown rice, black rice, and brown rice.

The three rices are known to have less sugar and higher fiber than white rice. The stomach also feels full longer and prevents large amounts of eating.

Also prepare low-calorie but high-protein side dishes such as fish, eggs, tofu, and chicken breast. Side dishes such as chicken and fish or meat should be served by boiling or grilling and avoid frying because they have high saturated oil content.

Combine with vegetables and fruit to meet balanced nutrition.

4. Exercise regularly

Former athlete and athletic trainer Dedeh Erawati when Dedeh Erawati gave the Physical Anatomy training program at the Madya Stadium, Saturday, September 5, 2020. The program was made for the general public to train basic physicality while exercising to be safe from injuries to the anatomy of the body.The way to be consistent on a diet is to take the time to exercise regularly every day (Photo: CNN Indonesia / Adhi Wicaksono)-

Weight loss or diet will not be significant without the help of exercise. If you don’t want to leave the house or work out at the gym, you can use the internet to find exercise guides from home.

Joining a sports community or working out with friends can also help increase motivation to lose weight. Sports such as running, cycling, swimming, brisk walking, muay Thai are good at helping you lose weight.

5. Stay away from unhealthy lifestyles

White Water IllustrationThe way to be consistent on a diet is to stay away from unhealthy lifestyles. Avoid sugary drinks and drink lots of water (Photo: Hyrma / Thinkstock)-

Another way to be consistent on a diet is to stay away from unhealthy lifestyles. Avoid consuming fast food and drinking alcoholic beverages. Drink lots of water or infused water so that the body is well hydrated.

Write on your phone and create daily reminders to stay consistent on your diet until you reach your target.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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