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How to collect a widow’s pension if you were married to a Spaniard?

Collect a widow’s pension in Spain? Widow’s pensions represent a fundamental pillar for those who have lost their spouse or common-law partner, providing them with financial support at such a difficult time.

However, it is important to know that there are certain circumstances that can lead to the loss of this benefit. But first let’s analyze who can be beneficiaries of this financial aid for widowhood in Spain.

According to web Social Security official in the European country, people who have had a marriage relationship or have been a de facto partner with the deceased and have not contracted a new marriage can collect this money: Spouse, separated, divorced and people whose marriage was declared null and de facto partner at the time of death.

Requirements. It will be necessary to prove a contribution period, which will vary depending on the work situation of the deceased and the cause that determined the death. In high or situation similar to discharge, 500 days within an uninterrupted period of 5 years immediately prior to death or 15 years throughout the entire working life. In non-registration: 15 years throughout the entire working life. Pensioners: No contribution period is required.

More requirements for widow’s pension in Spain

No prior contribution period is required when death occurs as a result of an accident or occupational disease.

In addition, it will be necessary to prove specific conditions in cases of marriage, when the death is due to a common illness prior to the marriage bond; separation, divorce and annulment; of de facto couples.

The pension is paid monthly, with two extraordinary payments in the months of June and November, except for pensions for work accidents and occupational illnesses, which are distributed among the twelve ordinary monthly payments. The pension has guaranteed minimum amounts and is revalued at the beginning of each year.

Why can you lose your widow’s pension in Spain, according to the law?

  • By contracting a new marriage or establishing a de facto couple, with exceptions.
  • By declaration of guilt in a final sentence of the death of the deceased.
  • Due to gender violence.
  • Due to death.
  • Because it is proven that the missing worker did not die.

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