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How to check whether your body is obese or not, has 2 big impacts

PEOPLE’S MIND – Every human being needs food, to fulfill his intake nutrition in the body.

However, the food we consume is very influential on our health in the future.

Fulfillment nutrition unbalanced can affect the number of calories. So consuming too many calories can cause a person to become overweight obesity.

When can someone be declared obesity?

Reporting from the official Instagram account of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, a person can be declared overweight or obese obesity by calculating the Body Mass Index (IMT).

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How to calculate IMTnamely by calculating weight in kilograms, divided by the quadrant of height in meters.

If the results have been received, then you must check the classification column as follows:

  • Kurus <17
  • Light Weight 17-18,4
  • Normal 18,5 – 25
  • Fat 25.5 – 27
  • Light Weight> 27

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