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How to Chase Away Moles in an Animal-Friendly Way: Natural Remedies and Other Methods

Although moles are good for many things, such as controlling pests and keeping the soil healthy, it is of course logical that you are not keen on all the molehills in the garden. Wondering how you can chase away these unwanted guests in an animal-friendly way? You can read it below!

Natural remedies

Moles are very sensitive to sound and vibration. In addition, they have a well-developed nasal organ. They dislike strong odors, such as those of some roots and tubers. There are plenty of plants that moles prefer to stay as far away from as possible. Consider, for example, the imperial crown, hellebore, Christmas rose. You can also place a clove of garlic in the mole tunnel!


Another animal-friendly way is to bury bottles. Make sure that the neck protrudes above the ground. When the wind blows in the bottle, it makes a sound that irritates moles. They don’t like this because they always value their peace and quiet.

Remove molehill

You can also remove the molehill immediately, so that the mammal leaves for another garden!

2024-02-03 19:18:18
#chase #moles #garden #easy #animalfriendly

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