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How to Charge Your iPhone Faster: Simple Tips to Cut Charging Time by 4x

How to charge your iPhone faster

Modern iPhones are amazing at charging speed, but there are always simple ways to use charging time even more efficiently, especially if you need it urgently and time is short.

Read also: How not to charge a mobile phone so that it lasts as long as possible

Tech experts provide two simple tips that can cut your iPhone’s charging time by up to four times, writes Daily Mail. All you need to do is change two options in the settings. Let’s figure out how to do this.

Turn on Airplane Mode: Airplane mode pauses all mobile communications, wireless internet, Bluetooth and radio on your phone when you’re not using it. These features can drain your iPhone in the background, even when you’re not using it. To enable Airplane Mode, simply go to Settings on your iPhone and look for the Airplane Mode option at the top of the list of settings. Turn it on and your iPhone will stop wasting energy on unnecessary functions. Enable “Low Battery Mode”: This feature allows you to speed up charging by turning off some energy-efficient background processes. To do this, go to “Settings”, find the “Battery” item and turn on “Low Battery Mode”.

According to tech experts, these two simple steps will allow you to charge your iPhone up to 90% in just an hour and a half. Remember to turn off these modes when they are no longer required to return to full device functionality.

Let us remind you that we have already written about why a phone can explode.

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2023-09-18 13:56:40
#charge #iPhone #times #faster #settings

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