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How to Calm a Crying Baby: Causes and Solutions


Kinan | Haibunda

Sunday, 07 Jan 2024 21:00 WIB


One complaint that many parents experience is when a newborn baby keeps crying, especially when placed on the bed. Over time, this dependency can cause parents and babies alike to lose sleep.

To find a solution, first identify why the baby cries as soon as he leaves the mother’s arms. That way, it will be easier for mothers to calm their babies and adjust to their needs.

Causes of babies crying when placed on the bed

Quoted from Mom Junction, the reason newborn babies cry when placed in bed is mostly caused by behavior or habits. This condition is rarely caused by a medical problem. Here’s the review:

1. Separation anxiety

For 9 months, the baby feels comfortable in the mother’s stomach. It is natural for them to feel safe and comfortable in Mother’s arms. Since birth, babies also prefer to make contact skin-to-skin or carried.

Separation anxiety or separation anxiety is normal in babies. Research shows that almost all babies between the ages of 18 months and 3 years experience some level of separation and attachment anxiety.

Pediatrician, Pierrette Mimi Poinsett, MD, said that it is very normal for babies to cry when placed in bed.

“At the age of 4 months is the transition time between being inside the womb and being outside the womb. Babies in this age range prefer to be hugged tightly, rocked, and listened to white noise,” said Poinsett.

2. There are changes

Just like adults, babies need time to adjust to changes. Be it a new bed or a new room. Your little one may refuse to sleep or just be laid down at first.

Especially if previously the baby was used to sleeping at night with the mother for some time. When they are later moved to a new bed or room, it is natural that they may cry.

3. You feel comfortable being hugged

The baby fell asleep in Mother’s lap while breastfeeding, but immediately cried as soon as he was placed on the bed? This is also quite common in newborn babies, Mother.

When their stomach starts to get full, babies tend to fall asleep easily. If the comfortable position is then disturbed, the baby will start crying.

4. How infantile

If the baby cries excessively throughout the day, including when lying on the bed, this may be caused by colic. Infantile colic is defined as fussing or crying for more than 3 hours per day, for more than 3 days a week. This is a common condition and can subside on its own.

5. Still hungry

One of the main reasons behind a baby’s crying is hunger. Because newborn babies do not know other ways to communicate their needs, they tend to cry. Make sure your little one’s breastfeeding schedule remains regular and keep the baby’s stomach full.

6. Lack of routine

Newborn baby illustration/Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/x-reflexnaja

Babies sleep well when they get used to a routine. For example, if they are breastfed or put to sleep at the right time, they are less likely to cry and fuss. This likely happens because they have clear expectations regarding nap time or feeding time.

7. Want to be noticed

Sometimes babies fuss and cry when they are laid down to attract mother’s attention. Especially if babies are used to being held, they may cry when placed in bed or feel alone.

8. Reflex Fun

This reflex occurs in newborns up to 3-4 months of age and can cause the baby to cry if there is a sudden movement, including when lying down. Loud noises can also trigger this reflex.

Apart from crying, the baby will throw his head back, spread his arms and legs to the sides, and flex his thumbs.

9. Inability to calm down

Newborn babies cannot control their emotions yet. Therefore, they cannot calm down and need parental attention to get comfort.

However, as babies get older, usually between 3-4 months, they begin to develop self-soothing skills.

That’s a review of the reasons why newborn babies cry when placed on the bed. Pay attention to the conditions and situations when the baby starts crying, this can be a clue for the mother to find the cause.

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2024-01-07 14:00:12
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