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How to Bold on Facebook – Type relax ▷➡️

How to make letters bold on facebook

Many times we want to remember something important in a post on our Facebook profile. If we want to highlight words or phrases within our post, the best option is to bold them. In this guide we will explain how to do it.

Steps to make bold letters on facebook

  1. To put words or phrases in bold we must start by writing the text in the status box of our Facebook timeline.
  2. We select the text we want to give importance to.
  3. Once the text is selected, we do it Click the bold (T) icon above the status box.
  4. We have already achieved our goal. The selected text will be bold.

It is important to keep in mind that bold text highlights the information a lot, for this reason it is advisable not to abuse this feature.

How to make letters bold on facebook

Most Facebook users are familiar with posting links, photos, statuses, etc., but many don’t know how to bold their text in a post or message.

Steps to follow to make the letters bold

  • The first thing to do is open the text where you intend to make the text bold.
  • Then select the text you want to make bold.
  • There is an icon on the toolbar bold font. Click on it to make the text bold.
  • After clicking on the icon, the text will automatically become bold.

Why use bold on Facebook?

Bold can highlight words and phrases in a Facebook post, giving readers a better idea of ​​your intentions when writing the post. People search for and remember featured articles, so it helps to have a bigger presence on Facebook.

Plus, getting bold is also a great way to draw attention to a specific topic, which can help users find and share your content more easily. This can increase post traffic and engagement, which improves the content’s ranking in users’ news feed.

How to make letters bold on facebook

Plain text

To bold typed text on Facebook, you don’t need to download a text formatting app. To get the desired result, you can run a simple keyboard macro.

How to make text bold on facebook

The following is the best way to make text bold on Facebook.

  1. Open the message or post where you want to make the text bold.
  2. Select the text you want to make bold.
  3. keep pressed Ctrl+B to make it bold.
  4. If you want, you can also italicize text by pressing and holding Ctrl+I
  5. To underline, press and hold Ctrl + U

Now the text has been converted to bold successfully. This is a quick and easy way to format text on Facebook without downloading any text formatting apps. Have fun!

How to make letters bold on facebook

Facebook offers its users various ways to customize their wall or posts. The format of the latter can be changed to attract more attention and give them a better visual effect. One of the most used formats is the one to insert bold font one or more publication letters.

How to bold the letters in your Facebook posts

  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Choose the post you want to edit.
  3. Start writing your post.
  4. Select the word or letter you want to make bold.
  5. Click on the icon bold font and select the option Bold font.

Publish your post to see the final result. To cancel the bold formatting, click the button mentioned above again.

With these simple steps you can make the letters of your Facebook posts bold, attracting more attention from your friends. Don’t wait any longer and give this tool a try!

How to make letters bold on facebook

Would you like to highlight an important part of your status on Facebook? It’s possible! Facebook offers a bold text feature so you can tell your followers exactly what you mean.

Step 1: Write a status on Facebook

First, you need to write a status in the space provided. You can access this feature from the desktop or from the app.

Step 2: Make the word or phrase bold

So, to make the word or phrase bold, you should surround it with asterisks. (**bold text**). For example, to write “I’m so happy today!” in the state, write **I’m so happy today!**.

Step 3: Post to Facebook

Once you’ve written your status, all you have to do is post it to share your message with your followers. And that’s it, you’ve already learned how to make bold letters on Facebook!


It is important to know that:

  • You can’t use an asterisk just to emphasize a word or phrase.
  • You must surround the phrase or word with two asterisks to make the text appear bold within the state.

Now it’s your turn to test this feature. Have fun sharing your status!

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