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How to ask for a salary increase? 5 tips to put all the chances on your side

Asking for a salary increase is never easy. It requires preparation, good arguments and a strategic approach. However, with careful preparation and the right strategy, it is possible to optimize your chances of success. Here are 5 essential tips for calmly approaching this negotiation.

1. Choose the timing of the request carefully, a determining factor

Timing is crucial when it comes to asking for a raise from your employer. Certain periods are more favorable than others to formulate this delicate request.

Conversely, certain moments are strongly discouraged because they are not conducive to a positive outcome. Here are some key benchmarks:

  • Favor favorable moments such as the annual evaluation interviewjust after achieving objectives or exceptional results, following an increase in responsibilities, or even after a promotion or qualifying training.
  • Avoid periods of economic turbulenceunderperformance, or if you recently got a raise.

In short, choose the right timing to optimize your chances of receiving a favorable response to your salary request.

2. Addressing the right person, the key to success

The contact person you contact for your request for an increase is also a determining factor. Always favor your direct manager, who knows your skills and your contributions to the company. Addressing your request to him first guarantees better understanding.

On the other hand, avoid bypassing the hierarchy by directly requesting human resources. This bypass may be poorly perceived. Your manager remains the first legitimate contact.

3. Prepare powerful arguments, the basis of a successful negotiation

Your request for an increase must imperatively rely on concrete facts, measurable and specific examples. Avoid vague or general wording.

Here are the main arguments to put forward:

  • Your significant achievements and results obtained, quantified as much as possible.
  • Your increase in skills, training followed, new qualifications.
  • Expanding your scope of action and responsibilities.
  • Your recent positive contributions to the smooth running of the company.
  • The objective comparison of your current salary with your value on the job market.

In summary, support your request for an increase with factual elements that demonstrate your involvement and your added value.

4. Set the desired amount realistically

When formulating the amount of the desired increase, remain factual and realistic.

  • Do not ask for a doubling of your current salary without solid arguments.
  • Provide a range of percentage or amount, rather than a fixed number. This allows negotiation.
  • Rely on reliable salary data in your sector of activity.
  • Take into account the economic context of the company and what it can objectively grant you.

A realistic and substantiated salary request strengthens your chances of reaching an agreement.

5. Adopt the right attitude during the interview

During the meeting with your manager to negotiate your increase, the attitude you adopt will also be decisive.

  • Stay positive and open to dialogue, don’t go “to war”.
  • Start with easily accessible topics before getting to the heart of the matter.
  • Demonstrate listening skills and understanding of the other party’s arguments.
  • If you refuse, do not cut off the dialogue and remain courteous. Suggest alternatives or further follow-up.

Your constructive attitude during negotiation can make the difference between failure and a win-win agreement.

Prepare credible alternatives in the event of refusal

In some cases, despite your efforts, your request for a raise may result in a refusal. Don’t leave empty-handed though! Have alternative proposals planned to present:

  • An exceptional one-off bonus.
  • An interest in the results or actions of the company.
  • Benefits in kind: company vehicle, professional telephone, etc.
  • Working time arrangements: increased teleworking, flexible hours, etc.

These alternatives can allow you to obtain satisfaction on certain aspects, even in the absence of an increase. Show your motivation and your ability to compromise.

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