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How to apply for the € 500 bonus to buy computers and internet subscription starting November 9th

Editorial Experts explain how to apply for the € 500 bonus to buy computers and internet subscription starting November 9th. Italian families with low ISEE income are currently facing expenses which they had not budgeted at all. The new wave of coronavirus has sent home thousands of students who now have to take school classes online. To access the distance learning services you need a PC and above all a connection to an internet network. Not all households already have these devices and often do not even have the financial resources to purchase them.

It is also necessary to consider the expense that parents faced at the beginning of the school year for the purchase of manuals and dictionaries. To this must be added the costs relating to the equipment necessary for carrying out other training activities such as the musical instrument and other technical material. In the article “An INPS bonus of over 1000 euros is on the way for students with low ISEE income “You will find information on the economic subsidies available.

Currently it is possible to request financial help in order to provide their children with the basic and necessary tools for the use of online teaching. It is therefore useful to understand how to apply for the 500 euro bonus to buy computers and internet subscription starting from 9 November 2020.

How to apply for the € 500 bonus to buy computers and internet subscription starting November 9th

To obtain the economic benefit, you must first have a ISEE income equal to or less than 20 thousand euros. This is because it is an economic measure of a welfare nature which intends to support families in difficulty to guarantee the right to education. Families where two children have to take online classes don’t always have two computers available. It may even happen that the same parent needs a PC for smart working. And obviously this makes it essential to purchase additional computers to cope with the emergency that the epidemic forces us to face.

The Ultra Broadband Committee has established that from 9 November 2020 taxpayers will be able to apply for the bonus. Applicants must have a form already present on the network in which they must specify that they have an ISEE income not exceeding 20 thousand euros. This is a self-declaration that the taxpayer must deliver to the shopkeeper where he buys the computer and signs up for an internet subscription. We recommend that you make sure that the operator from whom you make the purchase is included in the list of the Ministry whose update dates back to last November 2nd.

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